Thursday, August 7, 2014

Shaun T the man that started it all for me!

Yes, this is me with the REAL LIVE SHAUN T!!!!!

At summit I was blessed to be have the opportunity to have my picture taken with one of our celebrity trainers. My choices were Chalene Johnson, Tony Horton, and Shaun T. It was a hard choice because I love each of these celebrities. However, as I stood in line I thought about how I got to where I am and how my journey started.

Shaun T is the man who forever changed my life. I know that he didn't really do anything and that I did it all but, he came out with a program that caught my eye. T25 was a life changer for me. When I saw postings about T25 and how it was only 25 minutes a day, I thought I can do 25 minutes a day. That is perfect for me to come home from work and do it. 25 minutes is nothing. I use to be a runner but I got bored with it and wanted a change up. I lifted 6 days a week but wasn't getting the results I wanted so I thought adding T25 to my routine might help. Well let me tell you, it did more than just help me!! I lost 13 pounds doing T25, gained my self confidence back, and saw my abs for the first time in life!!!! I feel in love not only with the results of T25 but the entire program. Doing 25 minutes a day was a no excuse for me. I made sure that I made time for it every day and did it to my fullest. I got amazing results from it but also gained the will power to say no to eating out all the time and eating horrible foods and making the excuse that I worked hard all week so I can eat like crap on the weekend.

I did 2 rounds of T25 and absolutely loved it! After T25 I did P90x3 and got even more amazing results. P90x3 toned up my body and gave me definition that I never thought I would see at the age of 30, so it was hard for me to not pick Tony too. However, Shaun T started my weight loss journey and Beachbody Career. I owe it to him for making an amazing eye catching program! 

Beachbody is no joke! The programs work! It doesn't matter if they are 25 minutes long, 30 minutes long, or an hour. If you stick to them and follow the schedule you will get results. Working out is a science and these programs are all scientifically made and tested before they are ever released!!!

Thank you Shaun T for giving me back my confidence and showing me what my abs look like! Also thank you for pointing the way to Beachbody and the amazing company that I now and proud to call my FULL TIME job!!!!
P.S. T25 is on sale this month. Message me if you would like to learn more about it and how you can get your hands on it.

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