Monday, June 20, 2016

Monday Motiviation

The difference between your body this week and next week is what you do for the next 7 days to achieve your goals.

It's Sunday! Today you can choose to be lazy and watch tv.


You can choose to get up, push play, and plan out your meals for the week!

Trust me, Sunday is the day I want to lay around, be lazy, and just chillax, BUT I know that if I do that, then I won't be prepared for the week, which means that in 7 days I won't be closer to my goal!

Don't let that happen to you! Get up push play and plan for the best week yet!!

That's what I am going to do! I am getting up, pushing play, grocery shopping, meal prepping, and taking control of the week to come!

What about you? Will you do the same? Will you take control of this week? Will you see a difference in 7 days?

Lets hold on each other accountable! Let's make this week the best week yet!! It's a brand new one! Let's make it count!!!

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