Monday, September 12, 2016

Life....Its hard sometimes and doesn't always go the way we plan it to.

LIFE....IT DOESN'T always go as planned.

We grow up thinking that life is going to be easy and that everything will just fall into place just like it did when we were kids.
We grow up!
Life doesn't happen like it does in the movies. There are no fairy tale endings. Life is hard. It throws curve balls at you, it brings you down, and sometimes makes you question yourself and the choices you make.
Adulting can STINK!
This summer a lot of things happened, things that I haven't shared, things that I kept in, and I thought I could just forget or move on and act like they didn't happen.
BUT they did and acting like they didn't happen, has put me to a FUNK. I have been down lately, I have really been EFFECTIVE by the things that I was trying to forget. Because I mean, who wants negativity in their life. I know I don't! I try to bring the sunshine with me everywhere I go.

BUT.....lately it's been hard. Lately I have been in the dark, struggling to find that sunshine to share.
So why am I telling you all this, because I want you to know that it's okay, to NOT be perfect, it's okay to have a rough patch in life, and it's okay to be in the dark.
BUT not for too long, because the longer you are in the dark, the harder it is to crawl out of it.
How did I do it? Well honestly I am not there yet, I am working every day, to get out of this funk, to accept the past, and to move on from it. But what I have found that is working, is my daily devotionals, my workouts, and my personal development. I am focusing on books that are helping me accept the things I can not change, move on, and to continue to find my extraordinary with coaching, marriage, and friendship.
It's not easy! It's easier to stay in the funk, but I am tired of being blah, I am tried of holding back, and I want my SUNSHINE back!
Life can be hard. I know it, but remember you have someone that cares and loves you. And if you have to find a stranger to connect with and share your struggles. Not one of us is perfect, not one of us has the fairy tale life!
We all struggle. But we find our sunshine again! And we learn and grow from our past which makes us a stronger and a better person in the end!

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