Friday, April 28, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #126 - 22 Creative Things To Do With Baking Soda

22 Creative Things To Do With Baking Soda

If there’s one thing everyone should have in their home, it’s a box of baking soda. It’s great for way more than just baking! Here are 22 ways to use it around your home and on your body.
1. Cure bad breath

Mix 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda with a glass of water to get rid of nasty breath. A study by the University of British Columbia found that baking soda reduced bad breath of participants. In fact, baking soda can rebalance the residue from acid-forming foods. Baking soda can also discourage plaque formation and prevent gum disease.

2. Relieve itchy bug bites

Mix baking soda and water to make a paste for bug bites.
With summer upon us, it’s time to start thinking about natural remedies for bug bites. Here’s a fun one: add 1 cup of baking soda to your warm bath, soak for 30 minutes, then air dry. You should feel relief in no time. If you’d rather apply topically, make a paste of equal parts baking soda and water.

3. Make a DIY deodorant

Commercial deodorants contain ingredients that are damaging to your health, including aluminum, which has been linked to breast cancer. It’s better to use something all-natural every day, like a deodorant made of baking soda. Simply mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 10 drops of your favorite essential oil, then put it under your armpits. Easy!

4. Clean your toothbrush

When it comes to your toothbrush, it’s easy to neglect keeping it clean. Ironic, since it’s supposed to be keeping your mouth clean. Luckily, there’s a simple solution. Mix 1/4 cup baking soda and 1/4 cup water, then soak toothbrushes over night.

5. Remove yellow nail stains

After you remove red nail polish, ever notice how a yellow hue gets left behind? For a quick fix, rub equal parts baking soda with peroxide. Scrub the mix with an old toothbrush to get the job done in a snap.

6. Treat heartburn

Instead of popping Tums like they’re going out of fashion, try this all-natural remedy instead. Combine 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda with water, taking it every two to three hours. Make sure not to exceed seven doses in 24 hours.

7. Make natural toothpaste

There’s no need to use all the chemicals, like fluoride, in store-bought toothpaste. There’s plenty of easy-to-make options that can do the same job. Combine 5 parts baking soda with 1 part sea salt. Combine ingredients, then put 1 teaspoon of the mix into a small bowl. Add water, dip in your toothbrush and get to work!

8. Whiten your teeth

Getting a brighter smile doesn’t have to be expensive or come with gum sensitivity. Try this instead: mix a few teaspoons of baking soda with juice from 1/2 a lemon to make a paste. Apply to teeth with your toothbrush, leave on for one minute, then rinse. Repeat several times a week for best results.

 9. Get rid of shoe stink

If your shoes are smelling gross, try sprinkling some baking soda inside your shoes and leaving them overnight. You can even try essential oils. In the morning, shake the baking soda out of your shoes and you should be good to go.

10. Remove laundry stains

If you have a stubborn stain on one of your shirts, it’s baking soda to the rescue. Mix 4 tablespoons of baking soda with 1/4 cup of water. Rub the paste into any stains before putting clothes in the laundry, then wash as normal. You’ll be amazed by the results!

11. Make your eggs fluffy

The next time you’re cooking Sunday morning brunch, add 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda to a three-egg omelet. Your friends will be dying to know your secret ingredient.

12. Clean fruits and veggies

If you’re worried about pesticide residue and bacteria on your fresh produce, baking soda can help with that. Mix equal parts baking soda with purified water to make a paste, scrub fruits and vegetables with it, then rise. Enjoy your peace of mind!

13. Deodorize kitty litter

Even before you see a cat in someone’s home, you know often know when one lives there — usually because of the smell of kitty litter. It can be pricey to change kitty litter too often, which is why baking soda really is a great solution. Simply pour a light layer of baking soda onto the bottom of the litter box, then put kitty litter over it. Done!

14. Put out a fire

This is just another great reason to keep a box of baking soda in your kitchen. In the case of a small fire, toss baking soda on the flame from a safe distance. This should help to extinguish the fire fast.

15. Reduce that fishy smell

If fresh fish is on the menu for dinner, the smell might be a bit overpowering. Fortunately, this trick can help. Add 1 teaspoon of baking soda and 1 tablespoon of sea salt to a gallon of water. Soak the fish in the mixture overnight in the fridge. The next day, rinse with cold water and enjoy a fresher smelling entree.

16. Keep germs off sponges

Rather than throw away your sponge, try cleaning it first to reduce waste. Mix 5 tablespoons with a quart of water. Soak your sponges and cleaning rags in the mix for several hours to get them squeaky clean.

17. Get rid of acne

If you’ve been feeling a little too stressed lately, perhaps it shows on your face in the form of acne. If that’s the case, make a paste of baking soda, water and lemon juice. Apply to acne or blackheads, leave on for 30 minutes, then rinse. You should be seeing clearer skin in no time, thanks to baking soda’s anti-inflammatory and exfoliating benefits.

18. Repel ants

Ever notice how ants can take over a space in a matter of hours? Here’s a natural way to keep pests at bay. Sprinkle baking soda wherever the ants are taking entry — they should get the memo pretty quickly. You can also try cinnamon to deter them as well.

19. Whip up a dry shampoo

If your hair needs a little TLC between washes, baking soda can help put some life back to your hair. Flip your head upside down, then pour 1/8 cup baking soda into your hand. Cover as much hair as possible with baking soda, then brush hair normally.

20. Soften your hands

If you work with your hands, perhaps they could use a bit of softening up. Add 2 teaspoons of baking soda to your liquid hand soap. This will act as an exfoliant to remove dead skin and soften the skin on your hands.

21. Soak your feet

After a long day on your feet, give yourself a luxurious foot spa at home. Simply fill a basin full of warm water along with 3 tablespoons of baking soda. Relax and enjoy!

22. Make a healthy sports drink

Store-bought sports drinks are anything but healthy, often containing boatloads of sugar, preservatives, caffeine and more. Instead, boost your workout the natural way with this baking soda recipe.


1/2 tsp sea salt
1/4 tsp baking soda
7 cups coconut water
1/2 cup lemon juice
1/2 cup raw honey

Heat the coconut water on low and mix in baking soda until it is dissolved.
Add other ingredients and pour mixture into a glass jar.
Shake well before use. This will keep for a week in the refrigerator.

Thursday, April 27, 2017



Do you ever feel like you have to be PERFECT at everything or you just aren't ENOUGH?
If you are a woman, I know your shaking your head yes.
We all, including myself think we have to be the perfect wife, mother, worker, friend, family member, cook, maid, etc! 
We go so far to degrade ourselves when we aren't perfect at those things, we talk down, and say we aren't enough, that we need to do better, try harder.
Well ladies, I am here to tell you, you ARE ENOUGH!!
Your house doesn't have to be spotless. 
Your work doesn't have to be flawless. 
You don't have to please that finicky member of your family. 
You don't have to look like a page out of the magazine. 
We weren't put on this earth to be perfect. We weren't put on this earth to be flawless.
You were made to be your! You were made the way GOD wanted you to be made.
You're already enough because Jesus is enough in you. You're loved, accepted, set free to live your LIFE to the fullest.
So the next time you start to belittle yourself because you made a mistake or that you didn't live up to what your expectations of perfect are. 
You are ENOUGH!! You are LOVED!!

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Focus On the Good

Focus On The Good!

It's Wednesday, instead of focusing on how many days you have left in the week, focus on how you can make today great.
Too many times we focus on the bad. The bad choices we made, the bad decisions we made, the bad events that happened. 
When we focus on the bad, we never see the good. 
It's easier to focus on the bad. It's easier to yell at ourselves and get down on ourselves for choices and decisions we made. 
No more! 
Starting day, focus on the good! Look for all the good things happening in your life! Celebrate the small wins. Because it's the small wins that over time will create the biggest wins! 
Today stop focusing on the bad. And start focusing on the good! You deserve it! 
Celebrate your hard work, celebrate how far you have come, celebrate the good you found in today! 
Like this post if you plan on focusing the good from today on!!

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Layering with LipSense

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Layering with LipSense

ONE of my FAVORITE things about LIPSENSE...
Is the way you can COMBINE 2 or more colors to make a new color without the colors mixing together and ruining the lipstick or applicator! 
All you do is just let them dry, like you would inbetween layers but use a different color each time! The colors you can create are AMAZING!!! 
We may only have 36 lipstick colors BUT when you can combine the colors without messing up the colors, you can create THOUSANDS of colors!!
Today, I made a creation with 2 different colors. On my lips I did 2 layers of Napa and 2 layers of Bombshell! I alternated each color with each layer! 
And this is the gorgeous color I got from the 2! It's springy and perfect for this gorgeous sunny day! 
Have you LipSense? Have you tried mixing your LipSense?
Join my Facebook Group if you are interested in learning more about this AMAZING Long Lasting Lipstick!! 

Monday, April 24, 2017

Everyday Living With Celiacs

Everyday Living With Celiacs

I live everyday with celiacs. Did you know it's an autoimmune disease?
It is. And it's one that affects me everyday. 
Did you know that I have to CHECK every PRODUCT I buy to make sure it doesn't have gluten in it?
YEP! EVERYTHING, from food to Laundry Detergent to make up to body wash / face cleaners.
Living as a celiac is hard, it's DEFINITELY not easy and it's NOT cheap! 
Think about it. What do you eat? Drink? Wash your clothes in? What make up do you use? Where do you buy it?
It's easy for you to just buy what you want. But not me. Having celiacs makes its more challenging. It's a curse yet a blessing at the same time.
Insert LipSense....
Did you know LipSense is gluten free?
It's what made me try it! Hearing it was gluten free sold me! And once I tried it, seeing it didn't make me sick, didn't make me break out, I was hooked! 
And Guess what!!?! They have a whole line of make up that is GLUTEN FREE!! 🙌🏼🙌🏼
I don't have to worry about trying something that MAY make me break out or make me sick! 
And honestly it makes me feel beautiful and confident in my own skin! And it makes me feel normal and not that weirdo with celiacs! 
If you have celaics, if you struggle finding a line of make up, lipstick, eye shadow, etc that is TRULY gluten free, look no further! I have your answer! 
Message me to learn more or just to connect! I love meeting new people that share my curse and blessing! 😘😘

Friday, April 21, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #125 - Activated What? Charcoal What?

Activated What? Charcoal What?

When you visualize charcoal, you probably automatically think of family barbecues and campfires. It’s well known that cooking with charcoal can be problematic for your health. However, activated charcoal is far more beneficial. Acting as a natural detoxifying agent and powerful antidote, activated charcoal also offers another surprising benefit: a whiter smile.

When you first look at this fine black powder, teeth whitening is probably the last thing you’d think of. Although you can look quite frightening with a mouthful of black residue, there’s no need to be alarmed. Your teeth will be whiter in a matter of weeks — and you’ll improve your oral health.

What is activated charcoal?

Although activated charcoal is a new concept for many, its use dates back as far as 1550 BCE. Originally used to purify air and water, this remarkable powder is now often used as an antidote. It has a remarkable ability to absorb chemicals and toxins, both in your mouth and throughout your intestinal tract.

Before we dive into the beauty boosting effects of activated charcoal, let’s first examine how brushing your teeth with this substance can lead to improved oral health. Maintaining a healthy mouth is important — not only in terms of gum disease and tooth decay, but also your general health.

It’s been reported in a number of published studies that poor oral health may lead to complications such as a heart attack or stroke. This is because bacteria from the mouth can travel into the bloodstream. In some cases, this can lead to the buildup of plaque in the arteries, as well as inflammation.

How does activated charcoal come into play?

Activated coconut charcoal, for instance, has been processed in order to increase its surface area through small pores. Although you may look like you’ve been chewing on dirt, applying this powder to your teeth can support the elimination of bacteria and toxins, resulting in improved oral health.

Activated charcoal latches onto toxins and plaque bacteria, which can then be effectively removed. It’s also known to balance the pH within your mouth, reducing your risk of cavities and gum disease. A study published in the Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research reported that activated charcoal offers numerous oral health benefits.

Researchers stated that activated charcoal from both wood and coconut sources is able to change the potential of hydrogen, helping individuals to whiten and remineralize their teeth, prevent cavities and kill cariogenic bacteria. Based on their research, they also reported that activated charcoal can promote healing. It can also relieve pain associated with canker sores, gingivitis, toothaches and dental infections.
Now for the moment you’ve been waiting for: a natural and effective way to whiten your teeth. As you’re probably aware, many conventional teeth whitening products contain toxic chemicals that can damage your gum tissue and enamel over time. With activated charcoal, you will experience the opposite in terms of toxin exposure. With each use, you’ll be removing toxins.
When it comes to surface stains, coffee, tea, wine, spices, berries and tobacco are common culprits. When activated charcoal is applied, it actively absorbs tannins, the compounds responsible for stains. The best part is, minerals such as calcium are not affected, which is why your enamel will not be at risk.

How to use activated charcoal to whiten your teeth

1. If you purchase tablets or capsules, simply break them in order to access the powder. Place the powder into a small dish or cup.
2. Add a splash of water — a teaspoon or so should do. You want just enough water in your cup to cover the bottom surface area.
3. With a toothbrush, mix it around so that it forms a paste. Apply to the surface of your teeth.
4. After three to four minutes, spit and rinse.

Although this powder will not stain your teeth, it will often stain clothes. Just be careful and wash your sink thoroughly after you have rinsed. If you do decide to consume the tablets in order to detoxify your intestinal tract, it’s important to consume the activated charcoal two hours before or after any vitamins or medications, as it could reduce absorption.

So there you have it! As odd as it seems, activated charcoal will help you naturally whiten your teeth and improve your oral health. Cover your teeth with this jet-black paste in order to achieve a whiter, brighter smile.

Here are just a few more ways you can use activated charcoal for health and beauty:

Detoxifying the body

Because activated charcoal has the ability to absorb toxins, some believe that it can be an effective detoxification agent and anti-aging treatment, although studies have yet to confirm it. The theory is that by absorbing unwanted chemicals and other compounds, it can reduce allergies as well as diseases they may cause. In addition, activated charcoal can reduce or eliminate damage to your skin.

Soothing intestinal woes

As activated charcoal can adsorb (or bind) gasses, particularly in the lower intestine, it can relieve gas pains and flatulence. While some small studies have confirmed this, others have found there are no such effects. So, the jury is still out as to whether it is truly effective at reducing flatulence after consuming a gas-producing meal. If you want to test this theory out, taking two activated charcoal tablets three times a day. That is amount believed by many to help eliminate offending gasses.

 Relieving the itch and sting of a bug bite

Activated charcoal is known to take the sting and itch out of a bug bite. It’s also effective for poison ivy and poison oak. If you want to avoid a big mess, follow this process:

1. Carefully stir together 1/2 teaspoon of activated charcoal with 1 tablespoon of water.
2. Dip a small piece of paper towel that’s been folded twice into the mix, and then carefully lay the paper towel onto the padded area of a bandage.
3. Apply the bandage to the affected area, leaving on for two to four hours and changing out as often as necessary.
Activated charcoal is really a necessity for your medicine cabinet if you don’t have some already. It’s extremely useful, cheap and can even save a life in an emergency!

Thursday, April 20, 2017

LipSense...have you tried it yet?

You haven't tried #LipSense yet?!?!

Well, what are you waiting for?!?!😜 
I know it's a leap of faith and sounds too good to be true.🙈 I felt the same way! 
But that's why we have a 100% SATISFACTION GUARANTEE! 
Join my shop to learn more about this amazing long lasting lipstick and find a color you love! 

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

When our attitudes outdistance our abilities, even the impossible becomes possible.

Your attitude determines your direction. 
Your attitude determines whether you will succeed or you will fail! 
You attitude is what determines how far you can go on your journey to success! 
And whether you like it or not, the person you are and where you are today are the results of your attitude. 
Do you like it? Or do you wish it was different? 
Well guess what?!? 
One of the greatest discoveries you can ever make is that you can change!!! 
You can change no matter where you are today, where you were yesterday, or how negative your attitude has been in the past. 
You CAN BE more positive today. You can CHANGE your attitude and make the incredible difference in your life and in the potential you have! 
Don't let your attitude be the reason you fail or never venture out! 
Make the change today and not only start feeling good about yourself but start that journey to success!!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Ombre Effect with your Lips

Ombre Effect with Your Lips!!

I was playing around this weekend with my LipSense and I created an Ombre Look with some of the colors! 
I love that I am able to mix the colors without them actually mixing and getting on the lip applicator! 
Creating an Ombre look is fun, it spices up your lips, and its SUPER easy to do!!
LipSense is amazing in that it doesn't wear off through out the day so you SERIOUSLY don't have to worry about it coming off or messing up!! 
Have you tried this stuff yet? If not head on over to my website and check it out! You wont regret it!! ;) 

Monday, April 17, 2017

Fit Boss Chick gone Gloss Boss Chick

#BossChick, #GlossBoss, Lipstick what?!?

Last month I stood at the crossroads of my business, filled with doubt in face of daunting circumstances. I lost passion, drive, and our finances were in a very bad place.
But I had a big vision and God had a new path for my vision. I knew my old business was coming to an end and it scared me. I was comfortable, I had a routine down, but i was going no where and change needed to happen.
So when a new business opportunity came to me and God continued to bring it up in my dreams and thoughts through out the day, I had to jump! Jump now figure it out later was going to have to be my motto.
I had no experience with makeup let alone how to promote it and sell and I definitely had no start up capital. 
I did have a VISION and a major PURPOSE! 
It was my husband and my BURNING desire to live the life not only we want but the life that God wants us to live.
And that purpose along with Gods will is what made me jump. And I am glad I did!
2 months ago I was worried about our finances and how we were going to pay for food, let alone our bills and rent. I was scare, no I was beyond scared, I was frightened. 
Now, I am not. It's amazing what one month of this business has done not only for me and my confidence, but for our finances. I am no longer scared. I am actually excited! Excited to continue on this amazing LipSense journey, excited to continue to follow Gods path, and excited for Rich and I to continue to follow our dreams and start living again without fear of the unknown! 
Whatever you are thinking about doing, do it! Jump now, figure out later! 
I did it and am so glad I did!
Don't let fear old you back.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #124 - 10-Day Coconut Oil Challenge

10-Day Coconut Oil Challenge

If you thought coconut oil was just for cooking, think again. Coconut oil is one of the most versatile ingredients out there. Whether it’s in your food, on your hair or even “down there,” coconut oil can give your body some TLC from the inside-out. Take this 10-day coconut oil challenge to revamp your beauty routine and improve your overall health.

Health benefits of coconut oil
Forget everything you thought you knew about saturated fat. When it comes from the right sources, it’s actually great for you! Coconut oil is so darn healthy because of its medium-chain triglyceride (MCT) content, which is easily digestible and absorbed by the body. In fact, coconut oil is so easy for the body to work with that it can increase resting metabolic rate and calories burned. Put simply, it’s great for weight loss. Not quite what you’d expect from something made up of 80 percent saturated fat, huh? 

All very impressive so far, but the health benefits of eating coconut oil don’t stop there. Multiple studies in humans and rats have shown that coconut oil can:
Reduce inflammation
Lower blood pressure
Reduce oxidative stress
Increase cognitive function and memory
Decrease body fat, particularly in the abdomen
Increase HDL “good” cholesterol for better heart health
Improve sleep, sexual function and appetite for breast cancer patients
Hands down, this tropical treasure is a must-have. Now, let’s get started on the coconut oil challenge. In order to reap all of the benefits, make sure to source an organic variety.

Day 1: Swap cooking grease for coconut oil

Beauty stems from within, which is why we’re starting in the kitchen. First task: ditch your vegetable oils, like canola. They are extracted from GMO plant seeds using harsh chemicals and processing — not exactly something you want in your body. They also contain a high amount of omega-6 fatty acids, which disrupts the delicate balance between omega-3s and omega-6s in your body. Without the right ratio, your immune system takes a dive and inflammation increases to damaging levels, causing disease.

To kick off this challenge, toss your vegetable oils and buy a jar of organic coconut oil instead. In addition to the health benefits, the saturated fat in coconut oil stays stable even at high temperatures, keeping away carcinogenic fumes (also called the smoke point). Plus, cooking or baking with coconut oil adds a hint of sweetness to any dish.

Day 2: Put a spoonful in your coffee

Avoid sugary creamers and try a “Bulletproof Coffee” with coconut oil in your morning java.

Coconut oil is great for food, but it’s delicious when used in beverages, too. Before you tuck into your morning cup of Joe with chemical-filled creamers and refined sugars that damage your health, try something a little different. Today, keep it simple. Grab a tablespoon of coconut oil, swirl it in and let it melt. You’ll love the flavor and texture it adds to your coffee. Plus, coffee with a form of saturated fat (also called “Bulletproof Coffee”) is said to slow the caffeine hit for a more stable release of energy.

Day 3: Swish oil to remove plaque-forming bacteria

Think oil pulling is just a trend? This Ayurvedic practice has been used for centuries the world over. Plus, one study showed that oil pulling with coconut oil significantly reduced the amount of Streptoccous mutans in saliva, a bacteria that forms plaque on teeth. In another study, 60 teenagers were advised to oil pull with coconut oil for 30 days. By day seven, researchers noted a significant decrease in markers for plaque and gingivitis. Nice!

Oil pulling (also called “oil swishing therapy”) is a natural way to cleanse your mouth, whiten your teeth and improve the overall health of your gums. Swish one tablespoon of coconut oil in your mouth for 10 to 20 minutes, as if it was mouthwash. Make sure not to swallow while you swish, since it’s full of bacteria. When you’re finished, spit the coconut oil into the trashcan, otherwise, it can clog the sink once solid.

It’s a great idea to incorporate coconut oil into your normal oral hygiene routine. Good oral health is an indicator of your overall health, including how well your heart is doing. Bonus points if you can keep up this task every day of the coconut oil challenge!

Day 4: Slather it under your armpits

In case you haven’t heard, store-bought deodorants are downright scary. They contain aluminum and other harmful chemicals, which have been linked to all sorts of health issues like breast cancer, Alzheimer’s disease and kidney problems. No, thank you! For today’s challenge, whip up some homemade deo-for-the-BO instead. Check out the toxin-free homemade deodorant recipe here. In addition to coconut oil, it contains essential oils so you’ll smell delicious.

Day 5: Deep Condition your Hair

If your hair needs a pick-me-up, there’s coconut oil to the rescue! Rich in vitamins and nutrients, coconut oil smoothes your split ends for some seriously lustrous locks. It also moisturizes your scalp, tames frizz, helps remove dandruff, detangles knots and protects against the elements. Plus, when combined with essential oils like rosemary and sandalwood, coconut oil may promote hair growth.

There are many conditioning recipes available online, but here is the simplest. Warm two tablespoons of coconut oil in your hands, then work through your hair. Leave it on for an hour and cover your head with a shower cap. When your time is up, shampoo and condition like you normally do. Use this treatment once a week for best results.

Day 6: Soothe Achy Muscles

Coconut oil is so popular in homemade beauty and medicine recipes for a good reason. It makes an excellent carrier oil, meaning that it helps your body to absorb the healing properties of plant-based oils. Give this coconut oil muscle balm recipe a shot if you pushed it a little too hard at the gym or you’re feeling sore. It contains essential oils that will help reduce inflammation, calm your body and cool down the pain. With this recipe, you’ll have more than enough to keep extra in the fridge for later use.

Day 7: Keep Insects At Bay

There’s nothing worse than a swarm of mosquitoes coming to bug you during a camping trip or outdoor meal. But commercial bug sprays contain toxic chemicals that can be damaging to your health. Not to mention they smell awful.

Fortunately, coconut oil can be mixed with essential oils to keep insects away naturally. Mix 20 percent coconut oil to 80 percent clove oil to keep mosquitos off your skin. You can also try a few drops of peppermint, tea tree or rosemary. Once diluted, test the mix on a small area of your skin to make sure there’s no irritation.

Day 8: Nourish Your Skin

Have you ever tried to read the label on your soaps and lotions? Chances are, you won’t recognize many of the ingredients. If you’ve been experiencing dry and flaky skin this winter, coconut oil could be just the thing you need. This vanilla and coffee bean soap recipe smells amazing. Plus, the coffee grounds act as an exfoliating agent on your skin.

Day 9: Whiten Your Teeth

Now that we’re oil pulling every day, your teeth and gum line might look good enough to impress your dentist. Let’s take it up a notch! Combine coconut oil and baking soda for an all-natural whitening toothpaste. The coconut oil will help to remove plaque while the baking soda scrubs off some of those pesky stains. The peppermint essential oil will freshen your breath, similar to traditional toothpaste.


1/2 cup coconut oil
3 tbsp baking soda
10 drops peppermint essential oil
Mix the ingredients until they form a paste-like consistency. Then, simply brush your teeth as you normally would. Instead of baking soda, you can also substitute a tablespoon of turmeric, another awesome teeth-whitener with antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. With this natural recipe, you won’t experience any of the painful side effects of store-bought teeth whiteners, like tooth sensitivity or gum irritation. You’re welcome!

Day 10: Put Coconut Oil ‘Down There’

Coconut oil is a great all-around ingredient for your beauty routine. And now that we’ve covered teeth, hair and skin, perhaps all that’s left is your reproductive health. Thankfully, coconut oil is great for that too. If you need to get rid of yeast infection pain, there’s a coconut oil remedy for that. You can find the recipe here.

You can also use coconut oil as a personal lubricant for getting busy in the bedroom with your partner — or by yourself. You’ll have peace of mind knowing there’s no phenoxyethanol, petroleum, parabens, glycerin, chemicals or preservatives near your lady bits. Enough said.

More things to do with coconut oil

By day 10 of the coconut oil challenge, you should be feeling a bit more rejuvenated in the health and beauty department. If you’re feeling inspired to use up the rest of your jar, here are a few more things to do with coconut oil:

Soothe a sunburn
Use it as a lip balm
Use it as massage oil
Treat your nail cuticles
Use it as shaving cream
Remove your eye makeup
Rub it on your chaffed nipples
Mix it with sugar for an exfoliating foot scrub
Brush it into your dog’s coat for healthy shine
Top it on popcorn, instead of processed fake butter
Mix coconut oil with lavender essential oil to improve sleep
Extend the shelf life of your eggs by dipping them in liquid coconut oil
Consider me obsessed. I think a jar of coconut oil should be in every room of the house — the kitchen, bathroom… and maybe even the bedroom. What’s your favorite way to use it? Let me know how the coconut oil challenge worked for you!