Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Layering with LipSense

Beauty Tip Tuesday - Layering with LipSense

ONE of my FAVORITE things about LIPSENSE...
Is the way you can COMBINE 2 or more colors to make a new color without the colors mixing together and ruining the lipstick or applicator! 
All you do is just let them dry, like you would inbetween layers but use a different color each time! The colors you can create are AMAZING!!! 
We may only have 36 lipstick colors BUT when you can combine the colors without messing up the colors, you can create THOUSANDS of colors!!
Today, I made a creation with 2 different colors. On my lips I did 2 layers of Napa and 2 layers of Bombshell! I alternated each color with each layer! 
And this is the gorgeous color I got from the 2! It's springy and perfect for this gorgeous sunny day! 
Have you LipSense? Have you tried mixing your LipSense?
Join my Facebook Group if you are interested in learning more about this AMAZING Long Lasting Lipstick!! 

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