Monday, July 31, 2017

Building New Dreams

Building New Dreams

6 months ago I decided to walk away from one dream to build a new one. Scary, right? ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±
A little? No I mean A LOT!! But if the dream I was chasing for three years was just me spinning my wheels, was it still worth it?
I asked myself: Are you still happy? Are you still challenged? Are you still making an impact? 
I answered no to the first 2 and hoped the 3rd one was yes in the eyes of my followers. 
I don't hope around from one opportunity to another and I kept asking, just because it was the first one, does mean it was "the one"?
Change, it's good! I mean we all need to do it to grow and learn. But let's be honest just because it can be good, doesn't mean it's not scary! But change, is what I needed and it was exactly what we all need to move forward in life.
Sometimes, like in my case - it was all part of Gods plans for bigger and brighter future.
A future that I have been working hard for, for the past 3 years in my other business! And a future that I am quickly seeing with my new business in just 6 months!

Friday, July 28, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #138 - 5 Natural Remedies To Treat Rosacea

5 Natural Remedies To Treat Rosacea

Rosacea is a condition that results in enlarged, inflamed blood vessels particularly on the face. It’s a frustrating and sometimes painful health problem that is estimated to affect a whopping 16 million Americans, and those numbers show no signs of slowing down.

Rosacea typically appears in a person’s teenage years and continues to worsen as that person moves into their 30s and 40s. Whilst there are a range of medications available to treat rosacea, many of them are ineffective and can also present a wide range of nasty side effects.

If you’re suffering from rosacea, your doctor might simply tell you that there’s no real way to treat it and that you’ll probably have to deal with it for the rest of your life. But as with most other health conditions, the root cause of rosacea is almost certainly linked to your state of health in general, and particularly your diet and lifestyle. This article will seek to provide some simple, natural remedies to treat your rosacea to not only reduce the symptoms, but hopefully also prevent it from flaring up in the future.

The symptoms of rosacea

While rosacea is most commonly associated with a red, inflamed-looking face, there’s plenty of other ways in which this condition manifests itself. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of some of the other symptoms someone with rosacea might expect to see:

inflamed or painful skin
skin that stings or burns
frequent blushing of the face
bumpy-feeling skin
broken blood vessels on the skin surface and spider veins
sensitive skin around the eyes
photo-reactive skin (reacts violently to the sun)

There’s plenty of other symptoms of rosacea, all generally relating to imbalances of the skin. Rosacea is quite unpredictable and can flare up out of the blue or remain dormant for long periods of time. It might worsen over the years, remain constant or improve slightly with time. It’s likely that these changes reflect hormonal variations in the body triggered by aging, diet and lifestyle.

Here are some natural remedies to treat rosacea:

1. Clean up your diet

While many people might not consider this a “remedy” per se, taking a good hard look at your eating habits is the single most important thing you’ll ever do to treat your rosacea problem. There’s a growing body of evidence in the scientific literature drawing strong links between diet and skin disorders like rosacea. This study, for example, notes that “there are a variety of foods that aggravate rosacea, including spicy foods, alcoholic beverages and hot, caffeinated drinks. Patients are advised to avoid these triggers.”

But that’s probably not news to you. What may be interesting is to learn that certain other foods, particularly those containing gluten, can inflame the gut and gastrointestinal system and create an autoimmune response within the body. The skin, as the largest organ, is one of the areas in which increasing gut inflammation manifests itself. The result is that, with a worsening gut biome, your rosacea is more likely to flare up.

Staying away from other inflammatory ingredients, like sugar and hydrogenated oils, will also go a long way towards helping your gut (and therefore your rosacea) heal. Your next step should be to introduce health-promoting foods, including:

lots of organic vegetables and a smattering of fresh, organic fruit
plenty of healthy fats, including those that are high in omega-3 fatty acids (like avocados, nuts, seeds, cold-water fish and grass-fed beef)
a good dose of anti-inflammatory foods, particularly dark leafy greens, high-potency herbs and spices like turmeric and ginger, and organic, free-range meats
Take steps to improve your diet, and your skin will reap the rewards.

3. Tea tree oil

Tea tree essential oil is a powerful natural remedy and can be used to treat your rosacea. Keep in mind, however, that tea tree can dry out the skin further if it’s used too often, so only use tea tree when you really need to. Tea tree oil can reduce skin inflammation and provide the added bonus of being a strong anti-microbial agent. So, if you’re also suffering from an infection or fungal problem, it can help with this as well. I always dilute my tea tree oil with a small amount of coconut oil to ensure it doesn’t irritate my skin.

5. Cucumber

Leave on a cucumber mask for 40 minutes to treat rosacea.

If you’re currently in the middle of a major facial rosacea outbreak, a nice soothing cucumber mask might be just the ticket. Like aloe vera, cucumber is made up almost completely of water, making it an excellent natural face mask. Simply throw half a cucumber into the blender and apply the pulp to your face. Leave it on for 30 to 40 minutes and rinse off with cool water. Your face should feel fresh and supple, while the antioxidants in the fresh cucumber should help to make the rosacea recede faster.

Thursday, July 27, 2017

Hey Girl, Hey Are you stressed out and feeling stuck?


5 months ago I felt the same way. I was stressed beyond stress, on a TIGHT budget and worrying if we would make it to the next month, just being able to afford groceries, let alone our bills.
2016 had a lot happen to us, a lot of changes, a lot of risks, and our lives took a turn that we didn't see coming.  There was no spending money on fun things, like clothes or going out to dinner on date.

2016 really forced Rich and I to learn to live differently. It helped us appreciate things we used to take for a going out on a date. 🥂
So if you feel this way, know that it's not going to last. I want to give you hope. 5 months ago I was stuck, I was facing a fork in the road with my future and my business. 
And instead of staying stuck, instead of sticking with what was comfortable, with what I knew how to do, even if it wasn't working, I took a leap of faith! I prayed, I questioned God, but I in the end I listened and followed the path he was showing me.
And this weekend I surpassed what I made last month in my New Business! Say WHAT?!? Yes, it's half way through the month and I already made MORE than I did last month!
So, I want you to know, if you are feeling stuck...
TAKE A LEAP OF FAITH! JUMP NOW AND QUESTION LATER! Instead of telling yourself you can't, tell yourself you CAN and WILL!
You aren't rooted down to this life, you CAN MOVE.
It's going to take for you to STEP outside of your COMFORT ZONE. 
It's going to take for you to have a little faith.
And it might not be something you would have ever thought you would do.
But KNOW that no matter what, you do NOT have to SETTLE. You do NOT have to keep going with the life you have right now. You do NOT have to stay STUCK. 
If you're not happy with your life, then guess what, it's time to make a change! 
Trust God, JUMP now, QUESTION later, and hustle with all your heart! 
**SeneGence does not guarantee any level of success. Your income is a direct reflection of your efforts and skills. 
Want to learn more about the jump I made? Let's chat because my team is growing and we are moving to the TOP!

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

Everyone wants to know the BIG secret!!

So what is the secret to weight loss? To Healthy eating? To Happiness? 
That's the secret! 
There is no magic pill to take to lose 10 pounds in 1 day. There is no magic trick to do start eating healthy. There is no magic potion to happiness! 
The magic is consistency! It's doing that workout and eating clean even on the days you just don't want to! 
The magic is believing in yourself! It's believing that you WILL reach a goal by a certain date not matter what it takes!! 
The magic is the hard work and dedication that YOU are willing to put in day after day to get the results that you WANT! It's not giving up when you hit a bump in the road or fall to temptation! 
The magic is when you get back! When you keep going and keep fighting! 
The magic is when you put your blinders up and head down and focus SOLELY on yourself! 
Today believe! Believe in the magic of consistency and hard work! Believe that you CAN and WILL be consistent! Believe you WILL reach those goals! 
Because guess what?!? 
All you have to do is workout, eat clean, smile, and repeat the process ONE DAY at a time!

Tuesday, July 25, 2017

Multiple Use Products

Multiple Use Products

SeneGence products really work the way we say they do, and many of them do double duty as multi-use products! Here are a few tips for using SeneGence products in ways you may have not tried before:

Nangai Oil- Nangai oil is a great facial moisturizer, but it is also a great moisturizer for nail cuticles and dry, damaged hair ends.

ShadowSense Shimmers- They look amazing on eyelids, but they make fantastic highlighters too! Try Sandstone Pearl Shimmer or Pink Opal Shimmer on cheeks, bridge of nose and decollate to highlight.

ShadowSense Mattes- Our wide range of shades are gorgeous on eyes, but they are also great for highlighting and concealing too! If you need a specialized concealer shade, try mixing a ShadowSense shade like Amethyst, with White Color Corrective Concealer to create a custom concealer. Candlelight and Sandstone Pearl make great concealers too.

Translucid Powders- These fine powders can be used as toppers over ShadowSense, blush, and contour. Try Silver Rose as a gorgeous, sparkly topper over your ShadowSense look. With Bronze Dust, slide the barrel up to create tighter bristles, and use to contour cheeks.

Moisturizing Body Wash- For a pampering experience, try Body Wash as bubble bath! It will create a rich foam that works to soothe and condition skin.
These are only a few of the ways you can customize SeneGence products to fit your needs!

Monday, July 24, 2017

How my life has changed in 6 months....

Six months ago, I was scared SHITLESS...

I had always told myself I wasn't going to be "THAT GIRL" with my business and that when times were tough, I would just work harder. 
So I did. 
I worked harder than I ever had in my life.
Some days were 4am until 11pm, non-stop.
If I wasn't seeing the fruits of my labor, then I wasn't working hard enough. #noexcuses
What I wasn't noticing was that...
It was affecting my attitude, my relationship with my husband, our finances, my health and whatever "balance" I thought I had. I was stressed OUT, working and working and working, pushing family out of my life to focus on more work, and at the end of each day...I felt that I had exhausted every single option I had and nothing was happening.
"What am I doing wrong?"
"What am I going to do?"
It felt like I was a hamster in a wheel, spinning and spinning and spinning. Getting no where. 
I was losing my balance and calm.
It went against my feelings of being "that person" and what I was always taught was the WRONG thing to do. I was afraid of what people might think of me. Will I lose all credibility? Will people talk shit? Will I lose friends? What if I lose everything I've worked for in the past 3 years?
And then...GOD said jump! Move on and don't worry.
Was I scared? Yes! 
Did I question him? Oh yes!
Was the timing perfect? Hell no! 
But, I was drained and burnt out, and had lost whatever was left of being an entrepreneur.
So I jumped! I trusted in God and I took the risk.
The risk I took was 100% the hardest leap I've taken.
...but the ABSOLUTE best decision I've made in business, for my health, and especially with restoring happiness back into relationships with my close network of people and my family.
I couldn't believe what was happening!
The entrepreneurial spirit is lit again.
There is balance in my life again.
I am meeting new friends I actually have a social life again.
My team can feel my energy and it rubs off on them to crush their day again.
And the GROWTH in more than I've EVER experienced.
And it was ALL BECAUSE of that moment when you stop being afraid of what could go wrong, and start being excited of what could go right. When you put your faith into God and say I trust you, show me the way!
Entrepreneurs, take risks that you're so scared to take. There isn't anything wrong with making adjustments or doing what's best for you and your family.
Don't let anyone ever make you feel like you are wrong or you should feel ashamed or that you're making a mistake.
Your choices aren't mistakes. 
They are lessons learned.
Pretty sure that's why we're called Entrepreneurs. ðŸ’‹ðŸ’„💋

Friday, July 21, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #137 - 17 Amazing Uses for Epsom Salt

17 Amazing Uses for Epsom Salt

Epsom salt, which is not really a salt at all but a mineral compound comprised of magnesium and sulfate, gets its named from a saline spring at Epsom in Surrey, England.

Epsom salt has been used for centuries as a natural remedy for a number of ailments, and also has many beauty, gardening and household uses.

Both magnesium and sulfate are readily absorbed into the skin, which makes their health benefits readily accessible. Over 325 enzymes in the body are regulated by magnesium, which also helps reduce inflammation, alleviates hardening of the arteries and improves muscle and nerve function. Sulfates improve the rate at which nutrients are absorbed and help to flush out toxins.

Here are 17 of our favorite uses for this versatile compound – we hope you enjoy them as much as we do!

1. Soothe Sore Muscles

An Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe sore muscles, cramps, bruises and joint pain. Because of this, it is a great after-workout soak. In addition, soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to relax and relieve stress. Add 2 cups of salts to a warm bath. Mix the salt in so it dissolves in the water. Soak for 10-15 minutes for best results.

2. Exfoliate skin

As we shed our skin naturally, the buildup of dead skin cells clogs pores and can cause blemishes. Exfoliation is necessary to keep skin healthy, glowing and vibrant. The best way to exfoliate with Epsom salts is to massage handfuls all over the body in the shower or bath. Your skin will feel soft and fresh with this homemade spa treatment.

3. Homemade Hand Wash

Mix ½ cup of baby oil with ½ cup of water, and add ¼ cup of Epsom salts and a few drops of your favorite essential oil. Set this homemade mixture next to your sink for a nice bathroom hand wash.

4. Treat insect bites and poison ivy

A compress made with Epsom salts is a great way to treat mosquito bites, bee stings and poison ivy. Mix 2 tablespoons of salts with 1 cup of warm water. Soak a clean cloth in the mixture and hold on affected area to remove pain, burning and itching.

5. Clean your face

Your face need to be cleaned and exfoliated just like the rest of your body. Put a teaspoon of Epsom salts in your hand and mix with a little warm water. Scrub your face with the mixture then rinse clean. This facial cleaner not only exfoliates and rejuvenates but also helps remove blackheads and prevent acne.

6. Remove Splinters

Splinters can be tricky and painful to remove. Skip the needles and soak your splintered skin in an Epsom salt bath. The salts will draw the splinter out and leave the area clean.

7. Lip Balm

Dry, flakey, cracking lips are not only unsightly but also painful. Heal this uncomfortable condition with a homemade Epsom salt lip balm. Mix equal parts organic coconut oil and Epsom salts. Apply to lips generously to exfoliate and moisturize.

8. Tile cleaner

Bathroom and kitchen tile grime can be difficult to clean. Powerful tile cleaners are not only expensive, but also often contain harmful chemicals. Make your own hard-working natural Epsom salt tile scrub. Mix equal parts liquid dish soap with epsom salts. Scrub onto tiles with a sponge and rinse clean with water.

9. Insect Killer

Mix ¼ cup of Epsom salts with 2 cups of water and place in a spray bottle. Spray the mixture around your home and garden to safely deter insects without the use of chemical insecticides.

10. Relieve Constipation

Epsom salts are a great way to relieve constipation. Mix 2 teaspoons of Epsom salts in a glass of water. Drink entire cup for best results. If the taste is not appealing to you, try mixing with fresh juice instead.

11. Fertilize Your Lawn and Plants

Epsom salts make a wonderful fertilizer for your lawn and potted plants. For greener grass, mix 1 cup of the salts for every gallon of water and spray over lawn area. To fertilize potted plants, simply sprinkle Epsom salts around the base of the plants once every week. This method of fertilizing also works great for tomatoes and other veggies.

12. Draw Out Toxins and Reduce Swelling

An Epsom salt bath is a wonderful way to draw toxins out of your body. Soaking in a bath for 10-15 minutes is also a great way to reduce swelling. Mix 1-2 cups of Epsom salts in a warm bath and mix to dissolve in water.

13. Boost Your Laundry

Epsom salts combined with a little essential oil makes a perfect fabric softener for your laundry. In addition, the salts will help remove detergent buildup from your washer. Mix 4 cups epsom salts with 20 drops of your favorite essential oil. Add ¼ cup to each load of laundry.

14. Kill foot fungus and remove odor

Soaking your feet in Epsom salts not only reduces swelling and draws out toxins, but also zaps odors and foot fungus. Add ¼ cup to a large container of warm water. Soak feet for 10-15 minutes.

15. Sunburn Treatment

Soaking in an Epsom salt bath is a great way to soothe skin irritated by sunburn. Mix 1 cup of salts in warm bath water. Mix to combine and soak in the bath for 10-15 minutes.

16. Hair conditioner

Epsom salts make a great deep conditioner to add volume and remove grease from your hair. Combine equal parts of organic hair conditioner and Epsom salts and apply liberally to hair. Let sit for 20 minutes, then rinse clean.

17. Soften Your Hands

You know that soaking your feet in epsom salts is healthy, but what about your hands? Soaking your hands is a great way to soothe rough skin, calm aching finger joints, remove nail polish and remove any dirt from under your nails. Add 1/4 cup of Epsom salts to a large bowl of warm water. Soak hands in mixture for 5-10 minutes.

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Beauty Tip Thursday - SeneDerm Solutions LipVolumizer

SeneDerm Solutions LipVolumizer

Lip VOLUME and TEXTURE do matter. Clearly delineated, plump lips are synonymous with youth and sensuality. Plump up the volume and get lasting results of full, pouty lips without the use of irritants. The proprietary formula is based on the most advanced lip plumping technologies, plumping lips from the inside out. Get the benefits of collagen injections without the needles!

LipVolumizer Increases lip volume up to 20% and increases lip moisture up to 50% within one month of daily use, without the use of irritants.

Order now by either messaging me or visiting my SeneSite


Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

Limitations are not what holds you back, it's FEAR!!

Fear of failure is an inside job! It is always created within. It is what holds us back! 
It's not what happens to you; it's what happens in you. 
It's not the size of the problem, but how you handle the problem. 
Stop allowing fear and failure hold you back! Failure doesn't define who you are, it defines where you have been and how far you have come! 
Fear defines you! It stops you from trying. It stops you from being successful! It stops you from stepping out of your comfort zone. 
Don't let fear define you any more. 
Today look at failure as good thing. Today start to handle failure and any problems that arrive, positively. Focus on what you can change, what you can control! And not on the things that are out of your hands and that you can't change or control! 
Today take control of your fears and start going after what you want!!

Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Seriously?!?! How did I get so lucky to call this my job?!?!


Who knew how fun this side hustle could be!! 
I just combined arts and crafts with lip gloss and lip colors! I am in HEAVEN!! ðŸ˜‚
I mean let's be real here! Everything is just more fun when it has a little #glitz, #glimmer, and #sparkle, right?!?!
Want some sparkle with your lip gloss or lip color? Message me or join my facebook shop
#Pinchme #hustlewithheart #artsandcraftsaremyjam #LushLipsWithJaissa #lipstickisfun #LipSense #Senegence

Monday, July 17, 2017

When someone tells you that what you do isn't a REAL job.

When someone tells you that what you do isn't a REAL job.

You can....
Cry, believe them, and give up on your dreams.
You can PROVE them WRONG! Push harder and keep going after what YOU want in life.
You see there will always be negativity everywhere and in everything you do. You will always be surrounded by negative people. 
It's not these people so to speak. It's the negativity they represent. 
They are just one of the many you will come across. And this negativity not only kills productivity and companies, it also kills people. 
Self doubt, fear, hopelessness, and negative energy drain you and sabotage everything you want in life and all the success you desire. 
So the same negativity these people represent is also inside of you. 
That's why CANT listen. That's why you NEED to feed the POSITIVE dog inside you.
No one can tell you how to live your life or what dreams to follow.
If I listened to every person tell me I wouldn't make it leaving teaching then I wouldn't be where I am today! 
And do I am working a side business from home selling an amazing lipstick and getting paid for it!!!
I mean SERIOUSLY when was the last time MAC or NAKED or COVER GIRL payed you for rocking their lipstick?!?!
Haha I know I never received a paycheck from any of them!!! 

So go after what you want with Hustle and Heart and you will achieve any goal you set for yourself! 
#LipBoss #WorkingHard #LungesToLipstick #GoSizeDreamer #StillHelpingOthers #LushLipsWithJaissa