Monday, July 31, 2017

Building New Dreams

Building New Dreams

6 months ago I decided to walk away from one dream to build a new one. Scary, right? ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±
A little? No I mean A LOT!! But if the dream I was chasing for three years was just me spinning my wheels, was it still worth it?
I asked myself: Are you still happy? Are you still challenged? Are you still making an impact? 
I answered no to the first 2 and hoped the 3rd one was yes in the eyes of my followers. 
I don't hope around from one opportunity to another and I kept asking, just because it was the first one, does mean it was "the one"?
Change, it's good! I mean we all need to do it to grow and learn. But let's be honest just because it can be good, doesn't mean it's not scary! But change, is what I needed and it was exactly what we all need to move forward in life.
Sometimes, like in my case - it was all part of Gods plans for bigger and brighter future.
A future that I have been working hard for, for the past 3 years in my other business! And a future that I am quickly seeing with my new business in just 6 months!

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