Thursday, August 31, 2017

Beauty Tip Thursday - LinerSense

Designed for lip blending and definition, LinerSense® provides the ideal complement to all shades of LipSense® Liquid Lip Color. This liner contains a revolutionary formula that provides the same long-lasting, waterproof, and smudge-proof properties of LipSense.

Apply LinerSense prior to creating your custom LipSense color. Press firmly for a thick, dramatic line, or use a soft stroke for subtle definition.
“I have tried every liner. LinerSense® is the only lip liner that works the way it is supposed to. It lines and defines without bleeding.”
– Loni S.

Want our LipLiner? Order it directly from my website! We have 6 colors!  

Wednesday, August 30, 2017

Motivational Wednesday

You don't usually achieve what you WANT to HAVE. You only achieve what you HAVE to HAVE. 

Huh? What? Think about it! 
If you WANT to make more money? You probably won't. If you just WANT to lose weight? You won't put 100% into it. And if you WANT to be happier to just be happier? You won't stick to it or dedicate the time to it like you should. 
BUT if you HAVE to earn X amount of money to keep your house or pay the bills or buy that new safe reliable car, then you will! You will figure out a way! 
AND if you HAVE to lose X amount of weight to get out of obesity, to get pregnant, to stay off blood pressure medicine, to get your sugar levels under control, or to feel confident again, then you will! You will dedicate the time and money to do it! 
AND if you have to be happier to make a relationship work or to get out of a slump your in, then you will go to the extreme to make it happen! 
See the difference? Between the want to have and have to have!
Today think about what you want to have and what you have to have! When you think about those have to haves do you get more focused and change your way of thinking? Do you get more disciplined and  determined to make it happen? I know I do! 
Today take those have to haves and make a plan! How are you going to make it happen? What are you going to do to get what you have to have? 
Now do the same thing for your want to haves. Turn them in to have to haves and see how your focus, determination, discipline, and thinking change!

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

Tasty Tuesday - Homemade Cheez-its

Homemade Cheez-its

Makes 76 – Calories per Cheez it – 16

1¾ cup almond flour
3 tbsp Nutritional Yeast
½ tsp pink
1 egg 
1 T coconut oil, melted
2 T Apple Cider Vinegar or Coconut Vinegar


1. Combine flour, salt and yeast in a bowl

2. In a small mixing bowl, whisk the egg with the melted oil and vinegar

3. Combine the wets with the dries and stir until dough forms

4. Place the dough between two sheets of parchment paper and roll out to about ⅛ inch thickness

5. With a sharp knife or pizza cutter, cut dough into desired cracker size (I use a ruler with a pizza slicer to get them straight and even) and sprinkle the top with more pink salt

6. Slide the bottom piece of parchment and crackers onto a cookie sheet

7. Bake at 350 from 12-15 minutes until golden

8. The outer crackers will brown the fastest, remove those and continue to cook the remaining crackers

Monday, August 28, 2017

#Entrepreneur?!? #BossChick?!?!

#Entrepreneur?!? #BossChick?!?!

If you would have told me 4 years ago that I would be an entrepreneur and running my OWN online business I would have laughed in your face! 
1. I would have told you I had NO time to add a business on to my full time teaching job.
2. I don't / didn't know the first thing about running a business or growing a team.
3. I would have told you I am NOT a salesperson and I think selling is icky and not for me.
BUT, I needed change! I lost my passion with my profession and I wanted and NEEDED that spark in my life again with my job.
Owning a business is work. It can be like a part time job or a full time job, it's what YOU make of it. 
I had to learn about building a team, the different ways to recruit other business builders, running a business, Etc. 
BUT the best part about it was this was only a part time job, and I only needed to designate A LITTLE BIT of my day, consistently, to the business to be successful! 
And that's exactly what I did! I dedicated an hour a day on MY OWN TIME! Not anyone else's, mine! 
And I DO it while working as a full time JOB!
And now as a "Royal In Waiting" Senegence Distributor, in the organization, I want to PAY IT FORWARD! 
I am looking for women that are honest, dedicated, driven, family oriented, positive, and teachable.
I will teach you everything you need to know to run a successful business only dedicating an HOUR of your time. 
All the things I did and MORE that made me successful! 
I will give you every secret, tip, and trick, that I LEARNED to run a business all while at home, on the go, moving, and working full time! 
And the best part is that you don't have to be an expert OR have the perfect body OR be a car salesman!!
You just have to like helping others reach their beauty goals AND learn how to be confident in their makeup application! 
No perfection here! Hot messes are welcomed. Because let's be real, I am NOT perfect and I AM one hot mess! 
If you are interested and serious about building a business, part time or full time, then comment below I'M IN or message me to talk more! ðŸ˜˜ðŸ’‹ðŸ˜˜

Thursday, August 24, 2017

Health and Fitness Tip #142 - 7 Foods That Increase Anxiety

7 Foods That Increase Anxiety

Did you know that 18.1 million American adults are currently diagnosed with a form of anxiety disorder? And what’s worse, this is only the number of known cases. Estimates put this number at around 30 million people. Most people who suffer from an anxiety disorder never seek help or are even aware that they have a problem. Anxiety disorders cost the U.S. about $42 billion a year of the total $148 billion for mental healthcare.

Types of anxiety disorders

First, it should be mentioned that it is quite normal to feel some anxiety in stressful situations. Anxiety can be beneficial because it makes people think harder and reevaluate before they spring into action. However, when it becomes a chronic problem, it may be advisable to find help. Some types of anxiety disorder include panic disorder, post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), social anxiety disorder, phobic disorder, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), separation anxiety disorder and generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). GAD is the most commonly diagnosed disorder in the United States and it affects mostly women.

Anxiety and Physical Illness

Anxiety often causes a range of other illnesses and disorders such as gastrointestinal disorders and respiratory problems, and it is a major contributor in driving people to substance abuse. Many will reach for drugs or alcohol to number their feelings in hopes of somehow making it through the day. Anxiety can also be hereditary, and many people will find that it runs in their family. People as young as 11 years old have been diagnosed with some form of anxiety disorder.

Anxiety and diet

There are a number of ways to treat anxiety disorders. The most common is therapy with a certified counselor, figuring out coping strategies either on your own or with the help of a loved one, and mindfulness work like yoga, meditation or acupuncture. What is often overlooked, however, is a person’s diet. Just like a balanced diet made of whole foods contributes to great health, other foods may actually increase the symptoms of anxiety disorders. Read on for a list of foods that could be making your anxiety worse.

1.     Sugar

It’s no surprise that sugar tops our list of anxiety producing foods. Sugar is prevalent in most processed foods, as well as in alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages. It has the ability to raise blood glucose, and this, in turn, makes the brain not work optimally. Diets high in sugar have been linked to anxiety and even depression. There is also an increased for diabetes and dementia. Of course, sugar also is addictive as it initially makes you feel good then leaves you wanting more.

2.     Artificial sweeteners

Artificial sweeteners block the production of serotonin, which can lead to anxiety.
How relieved were you when you found a guilt-free alternative to your sugar? Unfortunately, all those calorie free sweeteners are actually terrible for your health and in particular for your mental health as they block the production of serotonin, an important neurotransmitter. Moodiness, headaches and insomnia can be the result as well as, you guessed it, anxiety.

3. Alcohol

Once again, it’s not a real surprise that alcohol made the list. Alcohol is a depressant of the central nervous system. The central nervous system controls the processing of emotions. And when it is depressed, we become anxious and/or depressed right along with it. So limit your alcohol intake, especially if you are aware of an anxiety disorder or if you just have a sad day.

4. Fast food

It’s quick, convenient and so cheap. Plus, fast food restaurants are quite literally located at just about every street corner. And since we are usually on the run, picking up or dropping off little ones, working many hours and without much time to cook fancy meals, we’re all guilty of eating fast food.

Now, the occasional splurge is certainly not an issue. But fast food belongs to the so-called hyper-palatable foods. The combination of ingredients and additives make it so easy to want more and to eat it all. Numerous studies confirm that fast food is linked to anxiety and depression. As a matter of fact, it seems like there is a bit of a vicious cycle happening. Eating fast food can contribute to anxiety, and anxiety leads to more cravings for fast food. Break the cycle and start eating well!

5.Trans fats

Speaking of fast food, trans fats still are used in many fast foods and you’ll also find them in just about all processed foods you can buy in the store. Think margarine and donuts. Remember how you’ve grown up with the belief that fats cause clogged arteries? This is partially true. And trans fats can do this, so sticking with olive oil, avocado oil, butter or coconut oil is probably a better idea.

6.Wheat bran

Despite popular belief, wheat bran may not be good for overall health.

We know it’s touted as a health food and recommended in a healthy diet. But, wheat bran is full of phytic acid and anti-nutrients that bind to minerals in the gut. Especially zinc is an important mood mineral and a deficiency can contribute to anxiety. This is true for other foods as well, such as beans and almonds. Soaking and sprouting them can decrease the amount of phytic acid in these foods. So, if you don’t mind going through the trouble of doing this, you’ll likely be better able to digest them and not lose those all important minerals.

7.Canned soup

We can’t even begin to tell you how awful canned soup is for your mood. They’re usually extremely high in sodium, the cans are lined with Bisphenol A (BPA) and both are linked to anxiety. BPA, in particular, can mess with those mood-stabilizing neurotransmitters. Yes, they are convenient, but if you do a little food prep, you can cook a whole batch of soup on the weekend and freeze or refrigerate it in portion sizes for your convenience. You’ll know exactly what’s in it and avoid all the nasty ingredients and chemicals.

Healthy food, healthy gut, healthy brain

It’s abundantly clear that the foods above can contribute to anxiety. On the other hand, diets consisting of whole foods that are properly prepared will contribute to gut health, brain health and therefore lead to a healthier you. There is evidence that people following a Mediterranean or Paleo diet enjoy better health and a decreased risk for anxiety and depression. In some cases, a gut healing protocol may be in order. An alternative healthcare practitioner or holistic nutritionist may be able to help you achieve these goals.

Beauty Tip Thursday - Ways to Help protect your skin from the effects of UV rays and air pollution.

Help protect your skin from the effects of UV rays and air pollution.

Every day, we are exposed to the elements of prolonged sunlight exposure or big city air pollution – which cause highly negative effects for our skin. Exposure to ultraviolet (UV) rays can create increased risk for skin health, and published studies have shown that increased air pollution is linked to brown spots and signs of aging on the skin. However, there are some ways for us to combat the harmful effects of sunlight and toxic air pollutants.
  1. Consume high-antioxidant foods – Blueberries, oranges, spinach, grapes, pecans, and red beans are just a few examples of some foods rich in beneficial vitamins, minerals and antioxidants, which are healthy for your skin and help it to combat free radicals found in the air.
  2. Wear protective sunscreen – Use sunscreen as part of your skin-damaging prevention routine. Although sunscreen does not block all UV rays, it provides a layer of protection against UV radiation damage. SeneSun SPF 30 SunScreen is a super lightweight and oil-free spray for UV ray protection, and also contains SenePlex+ for increased cellular renewal. Use it daily on areas of exposed skin.
  3. Keep your skin hydrated – Studies show that people living in polluted areas tend to have much lower skin hydration. Use SeneDerm DayTime and Evening Moisturizers to help keep your skin hydrated throughout the day! For advanced hydration and anti-aging protection, add Climate Control and Collagen Night Pak into your routine.
  4. Apply a Vitamin-C serum – On top of adding high-antioxidant foods into your diet, you can also add Vitamin-C to your skin protection regimen. Try SeneSerum-C, a 100% natural anti-aging urbanization defense formula that repairs damaged skin while helping to prevent further damage from toxic environmental pollutants. Use day and night under moisturizers.

Wednesday, August 23, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Your Goals Determine Your Priorities

Your Goals Determine Your Priorities!

Your goals determine your priorities---and your priorities determine whether you'll reach your goals.
No one fulfills his/her purpose, develops his/her potential, or consistently helps others without goals.
Goals keep our attention on the present. To be successful, you must live and work in the present because that is where you have the power to actually accomplish something.

The goals you set show the path in which to take. They guide you and keep you on track. They keep you moving forward.
Your goals give you direction, so if you don't set goals for yourself then you will end up wondering around aimlessly!! 
Don't be afraid to set goals big and small. They are your friend, not your enemy!! So make lots of them!! 
Set a BIG, Hairy, Scary one! I have one! And I have a month to hit it! Am I scared? Sure! But more than anything I am determined!! 
Today I want you to set 1 big hairy scary goal and 1 small not so scary goal that will help guide you on the path to your destination and go after it!

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Tasty Tuesday - Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

Paleo Chocolate Chip Zucchini Muffins

Serving Size - 1 Muffin
Makes - 9 Muffins
Calorie Count - 165 per muffin


½ cup zucchini, finely shredded
1 egg
2 tablespoons coconut oil, melted
3 tablespoons coconut nector
1 cup blanched almond flour
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
½ teaspoon baking soda
⅛ teaspoon pink salt
¼ cup of Enjoy Life Mini Chocolate Chip

1. Preheat the oven to 350°F and line a muffin tin with baking cups.
2. Whisk together the zucchini, egg, orange juice, coconut oil, raw honey, and vanilla extract using a rubber spatula.
3. In a separate bowl, mix together the almond flour, cinnamon, baking soda and salt.
4. Gently mix wet and dry ingredients together using a spatula just until combined. Do not over mix.
5. Fill prepared muffin cups with the batter ⅔ full.

6. Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean, about 20 minutes.