Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Motivational Wednesday - Be Your Own SUPERHERO


Strengthen your SUPERHERO muscles!
Step outside of your comfort Zone! 
Take a risk.
Quit limiting your beliefs!
You were made for greatness! You are a SUPERHERO!! 
Times may get tough, you may fall down, but brush yourself off, fix your cape and keep going! 
Remember why you are doing this. Remember who you are being a superhero too. 
Don't give up when times get tough. Don't turn around and walk away when you start to feel uncomfortable. 
Step up, take charge, step outside of your familiar risk free zone and take that leap. Sore towards new experiences. Sore towards the unknown.
Don't think twice. Just remember you ARE a superhero. And that you CAN do anything you put your superhero muscles to!

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