Tuesday, April 24, 2018

Transformation Tuesday - Ketones What?!?!


Soooo if you follow me you know that I'm all about balanced nutrition🍎, getting my workouts in 💪 and finding what works for YOU & your body....with a side of #LovingYourself 💜💕
I am NOT the person that's going to stand behind anything that I don't whole heartedly believe in! 💯🙌 #notmyjam 
Here's the deal, you KNOW I've done my own research and that for the last 5 years I've been focused on making this healthier lifestyle easy to follow & fun.....BUT also realistic for me and for YOU!! #ItsAllAboutBalance
The past 5 years have been AHHHH-MAZING and totally life changing but it's time for this girl to change it up & challenge myself, my comfort zone and this body of mine!! 👍
I beyond excited to share not only my own personal results with you, but others who have taken on this journey! Check out this rockstar, Jen!! These are her results in JUST 10 days....10!! 😱#GOALS
When I initially saw this, I was an instant 'skeptic' 🙌, UNTIL I dug a little further, looked past the physical results and listened to what was happening for her on the inside & how she was FEELING.....
.....energy for days 💥
.....brain fog lifted 💆
.....no more 'squirrel brain' 🙌🏻
.....mental clarity 💭
.....better sleep 😴
.....better mood 🤗 #smilingismyfavorite
.....improved digestion 💩
AND then, the physical results made sense to me!! When you FEEL GOOD, you look good! 👌 #HECKYEAH
<<<<insert my curiosity🤔🤔🤔>>>>
So I went to work and started my research and here's what I know, ketosis turns your body into a fat burning machine amongst other things....and I mean these results speak for themselves ---- #right?!?! 😁
If you're reading this, you already know there is NOT one ounce of me that believes in quick fixes🙅#beentheredonethat and that does not and will not work!! I'm conscious of what I put into my body & my family's body. BUT I also want to help more people get down with living this healthy/balanced lifestyle and sometimes that means changing things up a bit! 🙌
I am SOOOOOO excited to add this supplement to what I'm already doing & take my results to the next level. Not to mention, it only has 5 ingredients 👊 #winning 
Does anyone want to join me for 10 days of using it? Comment "I'm In" below and I will hook you up!!!!✌💁

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