Wednesday, August 8, 2018

Motivational Wednesday - There is no magic power in having a dream.

There is no magic power in having a dream.

You can't just wait for it. You have to work for it.
Do you have a dream? 
Do you have a wish? 
Do you have a goal? 
Did you know that a goal is just a dream until you start going after it! 
We all have dreams. We all have wishes. And we all have goals! But what sets us apart from others is what we do with those wishes, dreams, and goals. 
Stop sitting around and hoping and wishing your day gets better, that money comes your way, or that you get healthy and fit. 
GET UP, get moving and start working towards your goals!! Sitting around won't get you anywhere! But moving, grooving and working towards those dreams, WILL!! 
No better day then today to start!! 
Get out there and start crushing your goals!!!

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