Thursday, March 7, 2019

Life Tip - It is 10% of what happens to you and and 90% of how you react to it!!

Life is 10% of what happens to you and and 90% of how you react to it!!

Are you a reactor?
Do you immediately react to life whether it be something good or bad?
Life is 90% of how you react to it.
So slow down, think before you react and ask yourself is that the right reaction? Will that reaction help me?
Use this method when it comes to your workouts, your clean eating, your new lifestyle, and the slip ups and failures that will come along with them.
Think of how you should react if you slip up on your eating.

Think before you react on the workouts you skipped this weekend.
Think before you react on the goal you set and didn't reach.
Don't let any of those reactions be quitting, giving up, or walking away.
Think of how you can react and get back on track.
Think of how you can do better next week or next time you are in that situation.
Think about why you didn't accomplish that goal, set a new date and continue to push hard to reach that goal.
Make your reactions count! Make them positive! React in a way this week that will allow you to keep your head held high and say I got this, I can do this, I can make this happen!!
Believe in yourself and believe in your reactions!! You can do it!!

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