Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Eat it Up Wednesday - Summer Time Salad Recipes

#SummerTime #Salad #Recipes

Did someone say salad and summer?!?!
I don’t know about you, but I LOVE a good delicious, fun, and summer salad recipe!! Especially with all the extra time on my hands!! And this week what better way to continue summer time than with some DELICIOUS healthy salads! ðŸ˜±ðŸ˜±
Check out these great, easy, healthy keto, gluten free friendly ideas!!! ðŸ™Œ

Monday, July 29, 2019

Motivational Monday - Do you sometimes feel defeated?

Do You Sometimes Feel Defeated? 

Maybe it’s a frustration at work or a number on the scale that almost made you cry. I understand. But, can I encourage you? Even in the midst of hard days, you can be victorious.

Set small goals that allow you to make progress! We can set small or mini-goals physically by making one healthy choice like drinking eight glasses of water today.

We can also set mini-goals spiritually. Dedicating 5 minutes of our day to reading God’s Word, memorizing a verse or learning a new worship song can help us gain a better outlook.

We can’t control our circumstances, but we can control our choices. And setting small goals physically and spiritually will position us for progress today and victory for tomorrow.

How can you set some small goals right now?

Friday, July 26, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #237 - 5 Health Risks of Eating Too Many Processed Foods

5 Health Risks of Eating Too Many Processed Foods

Before you reach for a second round of your favorite pastry, it might be worth taking a closer look at what eating too many processed foods could mean for your health. From potential risks like weight gain to heart disease, filling your diet with processed foods may not be worth the momentary pleasure or convenience.

What Is Processed Food?

OK, but first, what exactly is processed food? When you think about it, anything that doesn't come straight from the ground or a tree is technically processed, says Lindsey Pfau, RD, owner of Rise Up Nutrition.

"If we're going to talk about the health implications or negative effects of processed foods, those are the foods that have additives and chemical ingredients that are used to enhance flavor and color as well as prolong shelf life," Pfau says. These foods not only contain chemical ingredients but also high levels of sodium, saturated and trans fats, and processed carbs that have little to no heart-healthy fiber, she adds.

So, while a healthy, low-sugar protein bar may be considered a processed food, it's better for you than the preservative-, sugar- and salt-laden culprits you should probably avoid. Below are the potential health risks associated with a diet full of unhealthy, processed foods.

1. Weight Gain and Obesity

Research hasn't clearly concluded that eating a diet high in processed food directly causes obesity, but there appears to be a link between consuming large amounts of these products and weight gain.

A December 2017 analysis published in Current Obesity Reports shows that four out of the five studies reviewed concluded that the consumption of processed foods may be associated with an increased risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome and high blood pressure as well as increases in total and LDL cholesterol (the dangerous kind). The researchers still can't pinpoint whether the obesity risk climbs due to the foods being processed or because of the nutrient content of processed foods.

"When it comes to obesity, how much you're eating and the balance of the rest of your diet matters," Pfau says, emphasizing that a diet high in fiber-rich carbs rather than refined carbs can help combat weight gain.

2. Cancer

Processed meats — think hot dogs, deli meats, bacon and sausage — have been linked to an increased risk of colorectal cancer, prompting the International Agency of Cancer Research (IARC) to classify them as a carcinogen, the American Cancer Society (ACS) reports. These meats have been salted, cured, fermented or smoked as a means to increase their shelf life or flavor.

In fact, data collected from more than 800 studies found that eating 50 grams of processed meat every day increased the risk of colorectal cancer by 18 percent, according to the ACS. That may seem like a lot of meat, but 50 grams is equal to about four strips of bacon or just one hot dog.

A January 2018 cohort study of almost 105,000 participants published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ) found that eating processed foods frequently was associated with higher overall cancer and breast cancer risk. However, the participants' food intake was self-reported, which Pfau warns can often be unreliable. The study authors write that more research is needed to understand the association between a diet high in processed foods and cancer risk.

3. Stroke

A July 2015 paper published in Stroke suggests that there is an association between processed foods — specifically meats — and an increased risk of stroke. A diet high in processed foods is one that is often also high in sodium, which has been linked to an increased risk of stroke. And when you're filling up on processed foods, there isn't much room for fresh fruits and vegetables, which are high in potassium. This combination could spell disaster, Pfau says, explaining that sodium and potassium control blood pressure. "Sodium can increase your blood pressure while potassium can decrease it."

When your blood pressure is elevated, blood flow through the arteries is restricted — and once blood flow to the brain is blocked, it can cause a stroke. What's more, Pfau says, high cholesterol levels could lead to blood clots, which can also block blood flow to the brain.

Plus, processed foods may also be high in trans fats — such as partially hydrogenated oils — which could contribute to high cholesterol, heart attack and stroke risk, Pfau warns.

4. Heart Disease

High blood pressure and stroke go hand-in-hand with cardiovascular disease; they're all interconnected, Pfau says. Like the link between sodium and stroke, consuming high amounts of sodium could also play a role in heart issues. And, Pfau says, processed foods containing trans fats could also increase your risk.

A May 2019 study in the BMJ found that high consumption of processed foods was associated with an increased risk of heart disease. However, the authors note that more research is needed to better understand these associations.

5. Early Death

A February 2019 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine looked at over 44,000 middle-aged people in France and found that over a seven-year follow-up period, an increase in processed foods consumption was linked to a higher risk of death.

What's more, a May 2019 study in BMJ found that higher consumption of processed foods, which was defined as more than four servings per day, was associated with a 62 percent increased risk of dying. The researchers took it a step further and found that for every additional serving of processed food, those chances increased by 18 percent.

"We have to remember the word 'risk,'" Pfau says. "No one food is going to cause stroke [or death] or even increase the risk. It's about the entire diet and lifestyle." Heather Caplan, RD, agrees: "We need to zoom out and see the full scope. I don't focus on a single food; there are so many other dietary factors to consider."

How to Avoid Processed Foods

First off, start by emptying your pantry of processed meats, packaged snacks and pastries and stock up on whole foods such as vegetables, fruits, lean meat and fish, nuts and whole grains. Replace your daily cold cut sandwich and bag of potato chips with a piece of grilled chicken and roasted sweet potatoes. And instead of ending your meal with a brownie, go for some fresh fruit.

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Eat it Up Wednesday - Snack On It!

Snack On it!!

WWWWAHHH!!! Its the Last FULL week of JULY!?!?! Seriously How is SUMMER coming to an end?!?!?

I don't know about you but I love a good snack to have on hand or after school. And now is the time to start planning and preparing for heading back to the school year! Plus these snacks will be loved by all in your HOUSEHOLD!! I mean kids, hubby, friends, and family will eat them all up so beware and hid some for yourself!! 

Check out these 7 great Vegan, Keto, Gluten Free, and Grain Free Snack Recipes to enjoy especially now that school is coming into view!! You don't have to eat any of the above to enjoy these dishes or make and take them to any and all after school events or work events!! 

Enjoy and let me know which one you make and what you think of it!!

Monday, July 22, 2019

Motivational Monday - Are you Committed?

Are You Committed?

We become whatever we're committed to. Your commitments shape your life more than anything else. Your commitments can develop you or they can destroy you, but either way, they will define you. Every choice has eternal consequences, so you need to choose wisely. Christ-likeness comes from making Christ-like commitments. What is God asking you to commit to? 

Commit everything you do to the Lord . Trust him, and he will help you. Psalms 37:5

Friday, July 19, 2019

Health and FitnessTip #236 - Eat less.

Eat less.

Starting now. Glide into the REBOOT. Don’t slide. Last supper on Sunday night before we start? That’s just another way of telling your mind and your body you’re about to be deprived rather than inspired to live better. 

The Reboot is about the absence of lack, not about enforcing it. Embrace the changes and shifts you desire as a Reboot outcome by starting to experience those gifts today!

What are you eating and drinking?

Why are you making those choices?

This isn’t about overthinking. It’s about your investment in a new way of thinking, a new way of being. 

Slow down. Eat less. Eat smarter. Inspire yourself now. Allow the 60- hours to be a confirmation of what you’ve always known was possible. 

It starts a week from today. Or, it “starts” today because you do! Reboot your life, for life. 

For a better one. ðŸ‘ŠðŸ”¥ðŸ’ª

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Eat it Up Wednesday - Avocado Week


AHHH!!! How are already HALF WAY through the month of JULY!?!?! Seriously SUMMER needs to SLOW DOWN!!

I don't know about you but I love a good Avocado, or at least when I can get it where its perfectly ripe!! HAHA 

Here are some great Vegan, Keto, Gluten Free, and Grain Free AVOCADO Recipes to enjoy especially when you have got the perfect ripe one in front of you!! You don't have to eat any of the above to enjoy these dishes or make and take them to any and all cookouts you will be attending this summer! 

Enjoy and let me know which one you make and what you think of it!!

Monday, July 15, 2019

Motivational Monday - The Plans HE has for you!

The Plans HE Has For You!

God will accomplish his plans one way or another, yet God is inviting you to be a part of his plans. 

It won’t always be comfortable. It won’t always be easy. 
You will probably need to step forward, not knowing anything other than your far out with God on the end of the lamb, believing that he wants to make his fame known to his generation of people. 
Yet if you move in faith, God will always bring life on your journey.💖

Friday, July 12, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #235 - Transformation...What does it Mean?

Transform definition:

Make a thorough or dramatic change in the form, appearance, or character of.

When we truly transform our lives, we leave behind all that once was. Our bad habits, sedentary ways, our “living on the sidelines” mentality. Many get comfortable and complacent in life. I was one of those people. Getting habitual with days, nights, and weekends. Not having any goals, direction, or a clear vision of where I wanted to go in life. It takes a strong person to break out of their everyday “norm” and step outside their comfort zone.  

Discipline to not turn back to what was once easier, more convenient, mindless, or effortless.  Going through a transformation will change a person, radically. Not only physically, but mentally. Your sense of self worth is renewed. Your gratitude is elevated. Your confidence is restored. All of you in this group have an urge to transform. One thing, one mindset, one habit......whatever it was that drew you to this group, you’re here for a reason. 

I truly hope you felt the love and support over the past few days with us, and are ready to jump in again next month. It’s an honor and a privilege to serve in this group as one of your keto reboot coaches. So much like the butterfly below, you’re all transforming. Better habits, better mental stability, better lives. For that, I truly commend each and every one of you!  

Life is amazing. It’s even better when you’re in control. Control your emotions. Control your habits. Control your EQ. Control your controllables. Remember, it’s not about the destination, it’s about the person you become in the journey.

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Eat it Up Wednesday - Grilled Portobello Mushroom Caps

Grilled Portobello Mushroom Caps

OMG!!! This combo is out of this world amazing!! 
I am not a mushroom person, the texture scares me, BUT...
One of my goals on my bucket list was to try a portobello mushroom before the end of the summer. And finally for the 4th of July I did!
My dad grilled it for 7 minutes on each side. Then I added 1 T of Myokos Cream Cheese and 1 T of salsa. 
It was delicious!! And I loved the mushroom!! I can’t wait to make them more often!! ðŸ™ŒðŸ™Œ

Monday, July 8, 2019

Monday Motivation - Achieving Daily Greatness

Achieving Daily Greatness

Sunday’s and Monday's are usually focused of food prep moving into the upcoming week. We know that food prep is key if you are looking for nutritional success. ✔️

Today I’m sharing time prep through organization. When you ask most people why they don’t go to the gym, or prepare there food for the week, they usually answer with, “I just don’t have enough time!” Well I have found a way to better manage my time and that is by using a planner.

Yes this sounds old school, but they really have come a long way. The one I use is made by “Daily Greatness“. It immediately guides you through your 3 month - 5 year goals. From there it offers motivational pieces to read, and asks daily questions to have you generate the answers with your own inspiration. The calendar dates have to be filled in manually, meaning the planner never becomes dated. Like meal prepping on Sunday’s, this is when I would sit and look ahead at my week and start to fill into my planner. With many additional blank pages, I also use this to write in my daily gratitudes. 

When I first started using a planner I was always scared of writing in it...maybe because of my fear of commitment??? The more practice I had writing in it, the better I got and the anxiety “to run out of writing room “ was gone. I still sync my appointments on my IPhone, but having written them down solidifies in my subconscious as well... along will all of the other great notes, dreams, an inspirations I scratch down. 

Very miraculously, the more you invest in it, the faster and easier you will achieve your goals...whatever they may be. Next thing you realize is that yes, I do have time for better nutrition and to squeeze in some fitness ðŸ’ª and yes, an easy surplus of 60 hours to Reboot monthly! What do you use to plan your time? #lifehack

Friday, July 5, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #234 - Meal Planning For the Week Ahead

Meal planning from my house to yours: how to shop for a week using real food. 
This is how I personally plan for the week ahead- it is second nature to me now but this is how I got started and I find it simple and time saving.  I like to cook once a day- dinner time- so this is how I plan my weeks.  Some people may need to spend more time on one day depending on schedules.  

I plan on Sunday mornings and then grocery shop in the afternoon- pick a day that works best for you- for me Sunday works best.  There is no right or wrong way to meal prep or plan- find a system that works for you and stay consistent.


1. Plan out your dinner time meals.  I just use a note book and write out each night.  Whatever I make for dinner is going to be lunch the next day and so on.  I plan my meals around animal protein and add veggies in once I have my protein sources covered.  If you are a vegan or vegetarian, do your best to vary up your plant based source of protein to get the most complete amino acid profile possible in your diet.  This also goes for anyone who eats meat- I like to vary up my protein sources to ensure I am getting all the variety possible and so I do not get tired of eating the same foods.

To figure out how much you will need I plan 1/4 lb-1/2 lb of protein per person per meal.  So for me it is me and my husband so I know we will need about 1 to 2 lbs of each meat type to last us the week- including lunch leftovers.  We train hard (weightlifting) so we eat more protein for this reason.  Most of our meat I actually buy in bulk frozen to save $ and thaw it the day before we cook it.

So once you have your protein sources planned, you can then plan what veggies you want to have.  I actually shop for veggies 2 x a week (Sundays and Wednesdays) just to have fresh veggies available.   

Typically the veggies I love to eat that are simple and easy to prepare are broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, brussel sprouts (we roast these or steam them) and then having some raw veg in the form of salads with avocado usually rounds out our meals.  Most cooked veg will last just fine in sealed containers for lunch the next day.  And you can always supplement veggies by getting some mixed greens and having your protein source on a salad.  

If you have a larger family- just use the 1/4 lb per person rule for protein and do the math! You will get to a point where this becomes routine and you will no longer need to actually write it all out.  I always buy a little more than I think I will need and always save time by cooking extra- once a day in the evenings- so that my lunch is as simple as re-heating the next day. 

Simple at first to me is always best. I love recipes etc but I find that time is limited and we can't always be learning new recipes etc.  So most of the time it is burgers (from any kind  of meat) and lots of grilling and BBQ's.  

Hope this is helpful and gives you some new ideas!

Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Eat it Up Wednesday - 4th of July / Cook out Recipes

4th of July / Cook out Recipes

AHHH!!! How it is already 4th of July?!?!? Seriously SUMMER needs to SLOW DOWN!!

I don't know about you but I love COOKOUTS!!! Especially when I am at home and my Daddy does it all for me!! 

Here are some great Vegan, Keto, Gluten Free, and Grain Free Recipes!! You don't have to eat any of the above to enjoy these dishes or make and take them to any and all cookouts you will be attending this summer! 

Enjoy and let me know which one you make and what you think of it!!