Monday, July 1, 2019

Motivational Monday - Trust Jesus!

JESUS is the ONLY thing that should be resurrected! 

A little over a year ago I had no clue what was going to happen. Rich got a job back in PA and I had to make the decision to find a new one or continue working where I was and do the distance thing some more. 

I was in tears many nights of not knowing what I was going to do. 

I was struggling to keep my other Network marking business running.  My energy was zapped right out of it when seeing how hard I was working and only making pennies with it, especially when traveling every weekend to make ends meat.  

In my heart i couldn’t support the business anymore. 

I cried out to God and prayed for him to light my fire again so i could resurrect my business. 

Little did I know he wasn’t going to resurrect it, but instead completely ask me to leave it dead.  

And LIGHT A BIGGER FIRE somewhere else. 

and I am
Forever grateful I did! 

It was a scary leap for me...
It means dropping income to go to ZERO! 

But I’ve never looked back. And this has been the greatest blessing ! 

My question to you is, what the heck are you trying to resurrect that should be left dead? 

What are you clinging to, that you’re supposed to leave behind. 

What is holding you back from TAKING the chance, on something HUGE! 

What would your life a year from now, if you truly gave something all you got, an opportunity to transform your families finances, wellbeing and health!!?? 

It takes ONE YES, one commitment to change your life ! 

What are you waiting for ??

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