Monday, December 18, 2017

Moving Mountains On Step at a Time

You have been assigned this mountain to show others it can be moved.

HUG?!?! What does that have to do with a pair of BOOTS?!?! 
These boots aren’t just boots to me. They represent so much more than that. They represent how far I have come in the last year. They represent the mountain I have moved! 
A year ago I couldn’t afford to buy $20 boots let alone a $100 pair of Uggs.
I was struggling. I was literally living paycheck to paycheck and wondering HOW I was even surviving. 
I was taking hand-me-downs and charity (boots) from people I barely knew! I was ashamed, embarrassed, but mostly I was scared! 
I was 33 years old and instead of moving forward with my health and fitness business I was moving backwards. I was moving backwards financially and I was moving backwards on how far I had worked.
But NOW...
Life has changed! I have found another business to build and within less than a YEAR I am back on my feet no longer feeling ashamed, embarrassed or stressed. I am no longer needing hand-me-downs or help that I was afraid to ask for.
I am beyond just surviving! I am able to splurge and get myself a pair of UGG boots that I have been wanting for a while. 
And it’s all because I took a leap of faith, I followed my dreams (literally) and listened to Gods guidance with where he wanted me to go with building a business and my life.
This past year has been anything but easy but I can tell you it’s been all worth it! It’s been worth the stress and the fear. 
Because I can look back now and see that with God beside me, I have moved the mountain that was placed in front of me.
And that I can continue to move all the mountains that I face in the future. 
Are you Scared? Are you staring at a LARGE mountain? Are you Struggling with bills like I was? Or just being able to afford things? Or are you looking for a side hustle that will pay for fun things? 
Then I have your answer! This isn't a job, it's not a 9-5, it's FUN, ENJOYABLE, and you meet so many amazing people! 
Interested in learning more? Message me and let's talk! Let’s get to moving mountains too! And getting back on your feet like you deserve! ðŸ˜˜♥️😘

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