21 Day Fix Recipes


Coconut Flour Pancakes

When it comes to making coconut flour pancakes, there needs to be a fine balance struck so that the finished product is neither too dry nor too soggy, and of course flatness can be a major obstacle to overcome.

Prep Time: 10 minutes

Cook Time: 10 minutes

Yield: 2 people

1/4 cup coconut flour
1/8 tsp baking soda
1/3 - 1/4 cup coconut milk
2 tbsp organic, cold-pressed coconut oil
3 eggs
1-2 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
Maple syrup to taste
Grass-fed butter for cooking (I use Kerrygold)

Before starting, please make sure you don’t mix your pancake batter too thoroughly. An overly mixed batter can often result in flatter, rather listless pancakes, so a good rule of thumb is to not worry about leaving lumps in the mix. In fact, lumps are a good thing!

Another thing to remember is that you won’t be able to see bubbles forming as much as you would with plain old wheat flour, so I’d suggest using a fork or spatula to gently lift your pancakes before flipping, just to make sure the underside is nicely browned.

1. Thoroughly mix the eggs, coconut oil, and honey together.
2. Add the coconut milk and vanilla extract.
3. Throw in the coconut flour, baking soda, and salt. Mix, but remember, not too much!
4. Melt a dab of butter in your skillet and then using a measuring cup, add a little batter to the pan.

I recommend figuring out how many pancakes you’d like to make beforehand so that you can use an appropriately sized cup. This recipe should yield around 8 or so pancakes. Remember that you aren’t likely to see many bubbles forming on the top, so carefully check the underside of your pancake before flipping.

For best results, serve your pancakes right away. Drown those bad boys in maple syrup, grab your fork, and have at ‘em! Pancakes are a serious weakness of my husbands. Suffice to say, you’re in for a real treat!

Fixed approved - 2 pancakes count as 1 yellow and then the maple syrup count as 1-2 TBSP, and butter is 1 teaspoon.
I don't know about you, but I LOVE Quinoa and I love finding new ways to make it! Well I made this recipe the other day and I LOVED it. I wasn't quite sure how it was going to taste but I thought I would give it a go! And I fell in love with it! Definitely going to make this at least once a week.

Quinoa, Tomato and Cucumber Salad

1/2 cup of Cooked Quinoa
1 cup of Tomatoes and Cucumbers
1 tsp Olive Oil mixed with 1 tbsp of red wine vinegar

I threw in some herbs too - lemon pepper, oregano, garlic herb

Cook quinoa according to the directions.
Chop tomatoes and cucumber
Mix olive oil and red wine vinegar and herbs.
Toss everything together.
 For my 21 Day Fixers - this equals 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 tsp. This recipe is amazing! Its light yet filling and can be used as a lunch or dinner with a side of meat! Also its quick and easy to make for the week to grab and go!


Salads! How do you feel about them. I hate making them, I think the ones in the restaurant always taste better! Are they healthier in the restaurant? NO they are much worse. But what do you do?

Well I have started spicing things up with my salads. I rather save the money and the calories and not go out to eat if I can help it. So what have I been doing? And how is it fixed approve?

The salads I have been making lately have been amazing something's that I have been doing are:

1. I always use spinach so I do 1=3 cups of spinach

2. I always mix up my blue container / healthy fat - one time I will do feta cheese, the next time I will slice up 1/4 of an avocado, next time I do mozzarella cheese.

3. I mix up the veggies I put in it - I throw whatever I have in the fridge and don't think about it, So I will do any thing like tomatoes, cucumbers, broccoli, carrots, green peppers, red peppers, celery, etc. I try not to over load it with too many. I pick 2-3 different ones each time.

4. For my yellow container I will do roasted chick peas, organic non salted corn chips or quinoa. I never do them all at the same time. I pick one and then switch it up the next time.

5. Dressing - instead of using an orange container for my dressing, I use Cholula Mexican Hot sauce! I love it and I love things hot so this adds spice and flavor to my salad.

6. Meat - red container - I switch it up and will do ground turkey meat or grilled chicken. I am not a huge fan of meat so I stick to what I can handle . These are the only 2 I like.

These are just a few things that I have started doing to make my salads more enjoyable and better than a salad you would get at the restaurant

Here is a picture of the Salad I made for lunch or can be for dinner.

EEKKK!!! I am so excited to share this recipe! It was out of this world AMAZING!!! I was worried at first just because it was a casserole type dish, BUT, it was amazing and I absolutely love it!!! AND it was Husband Approved!!! He liked it soo much that he took the leftovers to work today for lunch!!
This is a MUST try recipe!! You won't regret it!! I know the picture looks a little weird but I forget to snap it before I dished it out. But this is one serving. It was filling and big! 
Turkey & Quinoa Bake

Makes 4 servings

Each serving = 1 yellow, 1 green, 1 blue, 1 red


Yellow Container Ingredients
1 cup uncooked Quinoa

Red Container Ingredients

1lb package 99% Lean Ground Turkey

Green Container Ingredients

Tomato Sauce (blend up grape tomatoes to make  2 cups)
Spinach – 2 cups
Blue Container Ingredients
Shredded Cheddar (4 Blue containers worth)

Freebie ingredients
Juice of 1 lime
Chili Powder 2 Tbsp
Cumin 2 Tsp
Garlic Powder 1 Tsp
Cholula Hot Sauce to taste (optional)


1.    Preheat Oven to 350 degrees F. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with coconut oil & set aside.

2.    Add 1 Cup of Quinoa to 2 cups water in a Medium saucepan & bring to a boil over medium heat. Boil for 5 minutes. Turn heat to low & simmer for about 15 minutes, or until water is absorbed. Remove from heat & fluff with a fork. Cover quinoa & set aside.

3.    Spray frying pan with non-stick cooking spray. Add the ground turkey, breaking it up as it browns. Cook for about 10 minutes & add lime choice, red peppers, cayenne pepper, and garlic powder. Cook for 5 minutes more, or until meat if no longer pink.

  1. Remove from heat & add the quinoa to the meat & veggie mixture. Pour in the tomato sauce, hot sauce, spinach and stir. Add the cumin, chili powder & garlic powde. Stir to combine. Adjust seasonings to taste.
5.    Add 1 blue container of shredded Cheddar Cheese.

6.    Pour mixture into prepared baking dish. Top with remaining 3 (blue) containers of Cheddar. Cover with foil & bake for 20 minutes. Remove foil & bake for an additional 10 minutes or until cheese is melted & edges are bubbling. Remove from oven& let cool for 10 minutes.


Served with a side of Broccoli - 1 EXTRA GREEN

 Chicken Chili Soup
Its been freezing here in PA and my husband is not a big Soup eater, but he called me up the other night and asked me to make this Turkey Taco Chili Soup that I would make all the time when he was coaching football at Penn State. So I sent him to the grocery store with a list of the foods / things I needed to make a NEW healthier creation! However, sending a man to the grocery story is not the best choice, half the time, especially when there is more than 2 items on the list.

He came back with double of everything AND ground Chicken instead of ground Turkey. So I made the Chili with that instead of saying anything and making him feel bad.

This chili was amazing and  think I will use chicken from now on! Plus it HUSBAND approved! He loved it and ask if it can be something we have weekly! Plus its very filling!!

So how did I make it?

Tomatoes - I used grape tomatoes
1 pound of ground chicken or turkey
lime juice - squeezed from real limes 2-3
cayenne pepper
garlic powder
red peppers
chili powder
cumin powder
Black Beans - can use kidney or chick peas

First cook the ground chicken in frying pan. Once it is done cooking (I do about 15-20 minutes I like mine crispy) Then marinade it with in lime juice, garlic powder, red peppers, and Caynee pepper. Not a lot about 2-3 limes and then 1/4 = 1/2 teaspoons of each seasoning.

While chicken is cooking purée a green container (a cup) of tomatoes. I cut in half before putting them in the magic bullet.

Once chicken is cooked pour the tomatoes in a sauce pan and bring to a boil.

 Add a yellow container (1/2 cup) of black beans, a red container (3/4 cup)  of the cooked ground chicken, and seasonings - chili pwoder, garlic powder, cummin powder.

Cook on low for 20 minutes.

Add a blue container (1/4 cup) of shredded cheese or a 1/4 of a Avocado and top it off with a dollop of PLAIN Greek Yogurt!

You can not go wrong with this recipe! It was amazing!

If you are doing the 21 Day fix or the 21 Day Fix Extreme the recipe is 1 red, 1 yellow, 1 green, and 1 blue.

Chicken can be VERY boring to eat. So I try to spice it up with something new. This time I made a Maple Almond Chicken! AND it was HUSBAND approved. My husband loves food, but he can be picky about some things I make and especially when I try something new, BUT he loved it and when I told him that it was something I could do with Salmon, he got even more excited, he loves fish. So the next time I make this I will be making it with fish, instead of chicken.

It is easy to make, doesn't take long to prepare, and is easy clean up. Those 3 must haves in my book when I am in the chicken cooking!!!
Easy Maple Almond Chicken
4 Thin Sliced Chicken Breast
garlic powder
1/4 cup pure maple syrup
juice of 1/2 lemon (plus more to garnish)
1/2 cup almond meal

Preheat oven to 350.

Season Chicken on both sides with garlic powder.

Combine maple syrup and lemon juice in a shallow bowl. Put almond meal in a separate shallow bowl.

Dip Chicken in maple mixture, then dredge in almond meal. Place on a greased or foil or Silpat-lined baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes at 350.

If you want a crisper coating, finish off under the broiler until the almond coating just starts to brown.
This can also be done with Salmon.

For my 21 Day Fixers this is equal to 1 red (2 thin sliced pieces of Chicken), 1 yellow, and your TBSP of maple syrup you get daily.
Homemade Quest-Inspired Bars - Cookie Dough flavor
Prep time
Total time
Homemade Quest-Inspired Bars. Low carb, gluten free.
For Cookie Dough Flavor
  • 2 Tbsp VitaFiber Syrup
  • 1 scoop Vegan protein, vanilla
  • 2 tsp almond meal (just ground up almonds)
  • 15 g (2 squares) no-sugar chocolate, chopped
  • 1 TBSP of Powered Peanut Butter
  1. Heat the 2 Tbsp of VitaFiber Syrup in a saucepan over medium heat. When its just starts to bubble, remove from heat and immediately add protein powder, almond meal.
  2. Place mixture on a piece of foil and knead until it starts to cool down. It will form into a bar.
  3. Use hands to form it into a bar
  4. Add in the chopped chocolate once its cooled a bit. Still might melt a little.
These bars are healthier than a Quest bar, have less ingredients and are VEGAN!!! Oh and the best part....its HUBBY approved!!


Roasted Chick Peas 

OMG!!! I am in love with chickpeas! And roasted makes them 100 times better!! I love to eat them by themselves or put them in my salad in place of crotons. They are gluten free and grain free too!

 Here is how I make them.........
  • 1 15oz can of garbanzo beans
  1. Preheat oven to 400 degrees F.
  2. In a colander rinse chickpeas well. Shake off the excess water and discard any loose shells.
  3. Next, line a small/medium mixing bowl with a few paper towels and pour the chickpeas into the paper lined bowl.
  4. Pat the chickpeas with the paper towel and then remove the paper towels from the bowl. Repeat this step until chickpeas are thoroughly dry.
  5. Spread the chickpeas out on a baking sheet and bake for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. If they are not crunchy or roasted to your liking reduce heat to 250 degrees and roast a bit longer (5-10 minutes). To avoid scorching keep a close eye on the chickpeas during this point.
  6. Flavor them with what you would like, I just add Chipotle Cholula Sauce to them.
  7. Enjoy!
Other toppings you can do are -
  1. Honey Cinnamon- 1 teaspoon cinnamon, 2 tablespoons honey (you can throw these back in the oven for 10-15 minutes to carmelize if you like)
  2. Garlic Parmesan- 1/4 cup grated parmesan cheese, 1 teaspoon garlic powder or 2 cloves fresh minced garlic, 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper, 1/2 teaspoon Pink Himalayan Salt
  3. Smoky Spice Blend- 1/2 teaspoon ancho chile powder, 1/2 teaspoon smoked paprika, 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder, 1/2 teaspoon cumin, 1/4 teaspoon fresh cracked pepper, pinch cayenne (optional)
  4. Get creative. Make your own toppings
I am a snacker and I LOVE, I mean LOVE trail mix, especially the ones with the m & m's, chocolate chips, and peanut butter chips, along with all the other stuff! So instead of buying that stuff and a lot of times it has gluten in it, I created my own trail mix. This mix still allows me to get my salty and sweet fix but is not processed and ALOT better for you. Plus if I am really craving chocolate, I will through some into this trail mix. However, the coconut flakes and raisins and craisins really make it sweet.

Clean Eating Grain Free Trail Mix (Makes 10 servings)


1 cup sliced almonds

1 cup raw pumpkin seeds

1 cup unsweetened coconut flakes

1/2 cup raw walnut pieces

1/2 cup sunflower seeds

1/2 cup golden raisins

1/2 cup dried cranberries


Mix all ingredients together and store in an air-tight container for up to 6 weeks.

Nutritional Content: (Data is for 1/2 cup) Calories: 221
If you are doing the fix then this would equal a yellow put it would be only a orange container for a serving. Still count as a yellow just use a orange container.

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