Friday, September 6, 2019

Health and Fitness Tip #243 - Skin and What Causes it Too Look Good

Skin and What Causes it Too Look Good

What causes you to have good skin, which is the largest organ in the human body, and what wreaks havoc to create bad skin?

If you believe the dermatology, plastic surgery, and cosmetic industries, you should slather on numerous products to get great skin and make you look better. Of course, these industries have a wide range of these products to sell you!

I take a different approach. What if I told you the secret to healthy skin is not about what you put on your body, but what you put in your body?

The dirty secret these industries don’t want you to know is that beauty really does come from within. You can heal many skin issues by balancing your hormones, changing your diet, optimizing your nutrient status and healing your gut.

That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take care of yourself from the outside. There’s good stuff I recommend you use to maintain healthy skin, but that’s not ultimately going to solve the problem if you have skin issues.

Some of the stuff that dermatologists give, such as steroid creams, peelers and antibiotics taken by mouth can harm you long term by wrecking your gut. Using antibiotics for acne, like other invasive procedures, only buries the problem.

For overall skin health, I find these nine strategies can help tremendously:

1. Eat less sugar and processed foods.
2. Eliminate food sensitivities. 
3. Fix gut imbalances. 
4. Eat an omega 3-rich diet. 
5. Optimize nutrient status.
6. Exercise and sweat regularly.
7. Get great sleep.
8. Curb stress levels with active relaxation.
9. Be careful with toxic skin products.

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