Monday, September 2, 2019

Monday Motivation - Tap Into Your Purpose

Whats Your Purpose?

This concept is so deeply connected to our wellbeing—spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. 

In fact, research has shown that having a sense of purpose produces longer, happier lives. Having a greater purpose in life was consistently found to predict lower mortality risk across lifespan, showing an equal benefit for younger, middle-aged, and older participants. And, the longevity benefits of feeling a sense of purpose were apparent even after other indicators of psychological well being, like relationships and emotional status, were accounted for. 

We’ve also seen feeling purpose can benefit brain health, as studies have shown those who maintain a greater sense of purpose in life have a lower risk of stroke. It’s clear that our internal dialogue is intimately connected to our physical body. 

So how can we tap into our own sense of purpose? Here are the top three tips that helped me find my own calling and led me to a fulfilled life:

1. Notice what makes you feel your best. 

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life” holds truth. It’s useful in discovering what you’re really passionate about, along with what unique skills you are able to offer the world and how these skills can benefit others

2. Make time to encompass activities that support it on a regular basis. 

Get rid of the distractions that are sucking away your precious time. Skip that last hour of TV and go to bed earlier, so you can wake up earlier to tackle a project that energizes you. Prioritize the things that ignite you and make you feel alive.

3. Be open to possibilities. 

You most likely have more than one purpose in this life, so it’s important to realize how all of your different passions can coexist and mold into something truly special.

It’s never too late to tune into your sense of purpose and identify ways to strengthen its role in your everyday life.

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