Monday, September 16, 2019

Motivational Monday - Stop Stressing Over the Future!

Stop Stressing Over the Future!

I once had someone tell me "if you stress too much about something before it happens you basically put yourself through it twice".  This really hit a chord with me, and every time I catch myself worrying over something that hasn't happened yet, I remember these very wise words. It has made me the person I am today and helped me through many difficult times.

When we feel stressed over something that is not even happening we are basically sending signals to our bodies that that thing is actually happening even though it is just in our minds.

Imagine for a moment if you flipped this on its head.  What if instead of worrying or stressing, you imagined the most amazing and most desirable outcome instead?  What kind of signals would this send to your physical body? How would this change your health?

When coaching people in our Keto Reboot system, I find many people imagine the worst and stress endlessly over going 60 hours with no food.  What would happen if we instead imagined how amazing we will feel when it's done? What if we embrace the fact that we GET to do this for ourselves and our health? How would this change the way the Reboot goes for us?

Do you worry about the future? How do you get out of this thought pattern?  Is this post something that resonates with you and will you start thinking about the future more positively because of it? 

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