
My T25 Transformation Story

When I was in High School I was over weight and puffy. Even after being diagnosised with Celiac's Disease, when I lost weight I still didn't wasn't fit or healthy looking. I started working out in college, I taught aerobics, ran, and did only cardio things. However, I had the mindset that if I worked out hard, then I could eat anything I wanted. Even after College, when I was teaching in Virginia, I still had that mindset! I had that mindset all the way up until LAST YEAR!!!! I would work out everyday and even added lifting into my program  but I maintained my weight and didn't get toned like I wanted to.

It wasn't until this past year (2013) where I have put eating healthy and clean and working out together that I have lost 25+ pounds and toned up! I wasn't get the results I wanted, so I had to change my way of thinking and my lifestyle!! I didn't just want to maintain, I wanted to tone up and get a 6 pack.

I realized, along with my fiancĂ© that it isn't JUST about the workout! It's the combination of both eating clean and healthy and working out! And a lot MORE to do with eating CLEAN.

Beachbody helped me enhance my goals and reach them! I started out with T25 and lost 13+ pounds and gained a flat stomach with it. I then moved to P90x3. X3 toned up my body and gave me the 6 pack I always wanted. I love both these programs and am excited to start PiYo on July 7th with my Challenge test group!

Because of my results and my love of health and fitness I become a Beachbody coach!! I want to help others reach their goals and become confident in who they are.  
My 3 Day Refresh Transformation
At Summit Beachbody announced their newest product the 3 Day Refresh. What is it? The 3-DAY REFRESH is an exciting new addition to the Beachbody supplements family. It’s an easy-to- follow low-calorie, 3-day clean eating program consisting of Shakeology for breakfast, 2 additional high- protein shakes at lunch and dinner supplemented with a selection of fresh fruits, vegetables, healthy fats and a digestive/fiber drink. It’s the perfect solution to lose a few pounds quickly, get a clean break from bad nutrition habits and feel immediately cleaner, lighter and more healthy...without starving.

You do 1 Shakeology shake a day, and then 2 vanilla shakes that they provide that are high in calories and protein the Shakeology shakes. You get fruit in the morning and afternoon and you get veggies twice in the afternoon and then you make a recipe for dinner along with a shake. It's a lot of food and not all liquids.

The refresh came out at a perfect time for me because it was right before my wedding! My husband and I decided to do it together before the wedding and before my family came out to San Diego. It was the best decision we made! Not only did we lose weight but it got us back on track to eating clean and making healthy choices.

Doing the 3 Day Refresh allowed me to lose 7.5 pounds and cleanse my body in a healthy, natural way while still eating solid foods. I also had the best 3 nights of sleep while doing the cleanse! My husband lost 6.5 pounds.

The 3 Day Refresh is amazing!! This program is perfect to do any time especially when you have fallen off the band wagon of clean eating, went on vacation and need to start fresh, or are about to go on vacation and want to lose a few pounds before you go. This can be done once a month, every few months, or once a year. Its healthy and truly works. Check out my results. And if you are interested let me know or head over to my website to check out the 3 day cleanse.


Heather Kennedy's Transformation!! 
Meet Heather Kennedy!! She is a challenger of mine who decided to make a change in your life! Heather finished Focus T25 in my March group. For 10 weeks Heather completely committed herself to the program, the nutrition plan, shakeology, and being an active part of my fitness group. She posted every day, she stayed on track, she was always upbeat and positive, worked full time and has a baby girl under the age of 1. She definitely could have easily came up with excuses and reasons why she couldn’t or shouldn’t workout; however, she didn’t, and every day without fail she got up and worked out. Some days she even doubled up and did an extra workout in the evening. I am so proud of her and all her hard work that she has done and put into the past 10 weeks. Because of her dedication and commitment she has this amazing transformation to show for it.

However, she hasn’t stopped!!! Once she finished T25 she wanted to keep going! So now Heather is doing Turbo Fire, Running, doing a Zumba class a few nights a week and loving every minute of it. She continues to lose weight and work toward her desire goal.

Heather is a product of T25!! This program is not a rip off or a lie! T25 really does work!! All it takes is 25 minutes a day and healthy eating!! You too can have these results!! When you put your mind to it, you can achieve it!

Are you ready to get the body you always watned? Are you ready to get bikini ready? Start TODAY!!! Join my next fitness group and create your own transformation story!
Jen S. PiYo Transformation
Here are Jen S. 60 Day PiYo results! She didn't lose any weight, but MAN did she TONE up her body and get DEFINED. She feel in LOVE with this program she was amazed at how doing some that was low impact but high intensity could get her these amazing results. She drank shakeology along with this program and was able to MAINTAIN her weight, which was her goal in the first place.

So what is PiYo?

With PiYo you get a functional flexibility program that burns calories, gets you crazy results, is cardiovascular yet low impact, and restores your body!! PiYo is the perfect workout to do during the stress of life because it will leave you feeling flexible, stretched, relaxed, gives you energy, and will boost your mood!

And this months specials are too good to be true and too good NOT to share with you! You get PiYo + the 3 Day Refresh + 1 month of Shakeology!! Its Crazy!!!

The 3 Day Refresh which will give your body the jumpstart it needs to loosing weight, eating cleaner and healthier, gives you an emotional boost, motivates you to keep going, and moves your forward and away from those horrible eating habits you developed this winter.

 Anyone and Everyone can benefit from PiYo. It doesn't matter if you are football player, injured, new at working out, have your own workout routine in place, or a runner. PiYo is the program for you!

 Looking to try something new? Need to slow down this month but don't want to give up on your health? Message me and let me help you keep going and enjoy the spring season with as little stress as possible!
My 21 Day Fix Extreme Transformation
Here are my 21 Day Fix Extreme Results. Remember I went from the 21 Day Fix, straight into the 21 Day Fix Extreme. AND the Fix Extreme is not to have you lose a lot of weight. The fix extreme is to get you CUT and RIPPED!! So you may be looking at them and saying I didn't lose anything, BUT you can see a difference in tone and leanness.
I eat so clean - due to having celiacs and not wanting to get sick or contaminated, that the only difference with the fix extreme diet is that I was not allowed any treats and I did the Countdown to Competition Plan. I workout everyday so that was nothing new, BUT I with the Extreme I added in weights to the workout programs daily and that helped me define and cut my muscles up. I am seeing muscles that I have not had defined before, one being on the side of my gluts!! Also I feel that my stomach is more cut up than ever before.
The more I think about it, I really haven't been on Vacation or taken time off to gain unnecessary weight. I literally went straight from Insanity Max 30 to 21 Day Fix to the Fix Extreme. I lost 6 pounds with Max 30, 2 with 21 Day Fix, and now 2 with the Fix Extreme. So I didn't have a lot or any weight to really lose. My body was already in shape and my meal plan was in tack. However, like I said, I did the competition meal plan that took out carbs 2 days and then I was allowed carbs 1 day. I ate more meat and veggies with the Extreme than I did carbs. Honestly, my goal with Extreme was to lose 3 pounds if possible, but my main goal was to get cut up and Ripped for my Cancun trip, which I am leaving for today!!!
I am happy with my results! I no longer feel bloated and I feel EXTREMLY confident in my body and I am ready to rock my bikini in Cancun. 
Here are my Measurements from Day 1 and Day 21 6
Day 1
Chest - 30
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.5
Calf - 12.5
Waist - 25
Hips - 28.5
Butt - 34.75
Weight - 116.0
Day 21 
Chest - 30
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.25
Calf - 12
Waist - 25
Hips - 28
Butt - 34
Weight - 113.8
Total inches lost 2 and total pounds lost 2..2 - Not a lot but remember I am someone who is fit, in shape, and eats clean 95% of the time due to celiac's disease.  
Conclusion - This program works! If you are someone that has those last pesky pounds to lose or wants to get cut up and ripped, or just dial in your nutrition and workout this program is for you. The 21 Day Fix Extreme works for those that workout and are intermediate to advance in their workout regimen. Remember this program isn't designed to help you lose a lot of weight, it is designed to get you to lose the last few pounds and get toned up.  If you goal is to gain weight this program will help you do that by building muscles, and if your goal is to maintain weight and dial in your nutrition, the 21 Day Fix Extreme will help you do that.
This program is amazing and so many people have changed their life due to it. Are you ready to change yours?

Here is my Transformation Tuesday / Throwback Thursday that I posted on FB page last week.

The picture on the left is of me in college in 2005 getting ready to go out and celebrate St.Patricks Day with my sorority sisters. The picture on the right is of me in June of 2014 at summit.

Both pictures I was working out. In college I taught aerobics and did machines like the elliptical and treadmill every day. But I didn't eat clean. I had celiacs, but was still eating a lot of processed foods. The picture on the right of 2014 is me doing workout programs, eating clean, portioning my foods, drinking shakeology and eating a balanced nutrition.

Honestly in 2005 I thought I was doing everything right. I thought I was being healthy. And I continued to think like that till 2013 when Beachbody was introduced to me.

I was skeptical at first with the shakes and the at home workouts but I needed a change and I was willing to try it. I feel in love with T25 and shakeology and haven't looked back!!

Now I am retired from a full time job, working from home, my own boss, and working my way closer and closer each day to financial freedom!

I am so glad that I gave it shot, because I have completely changed for the better and love seeing what the future holds with all my goals!!

Are you tired of your job? Are tired of the same old routine and not making progress? Message me. I can help you make progress, become a stay at home mom, or just getting on the path to financial freedom. I know what it's like to wake up unhappy everyday! Let me help you change that!

Transformation Tuesday - Jess D

Its Tranformation Tuesday and I have some today that I am going to feature, that is near and dear to my heart! I met this girl in College, at Clarion, and if it weren't for the Sorority we pledged together, I would have never met her. YES I am a sorority girl!! :P She was a business major and a year a head of me, I was an Elementary Education Major, so we had NO classes together. However, Spring of 2003 changed my life forever and this girl came into it!!! She is amazing and after graduation we slowly drifted apart and didn't talk often or much over the years. However, thank goodness for FB to keep you somewhat close or in touch, RIGHT?!?

September of 2014 she reached out to me and asked for help. She was given the 21 Day Fix and wanted to start Drinking Shakeology. I helped her order it, got her into a Fix Group and she hasn't looked back since!! December of 2014 she became a coach and ranked to emerald in less than 30 Days. She is committed and amazing!!! And her results that she has made are unbelievable.

Coach Jess D has hit a HUGE milestone in her business lately!! She hit the 50 pound mark!! YES you read that right from September to February she has lost 50+ pounds and doesn't plan on stropping till she reaches her goal weight. I super proud of her and am so glad that she is on this mission with me!! She is one amazing lady and one awesome coach that knows how to incorporate the 21 Day Fix into a lifestyle and still have fun and enjoy going out on the weekends!!!

Also ANOTHER huge milestone that she hit just the other week was SKINNY Jeans. We all love and hate them at the same time! Well she bought her first pair in a long time and loves. Not to mention she LOOKS amazing in them!! Look how skinny her legs are!!

Here she is also working out with the 21 Day Fix. The combination of the Fix meal plan, shakeology and the workouts TRULY do work!! You just have to be ready and willing to make that 21 day commitment!!

Jess Continues to eat clean, workout, and live a healthy lifestyle. However, we are all not perfect and when she does fall off the track, she will jump right back on and do a 3 day refresh to help kick start her butt back into gear!! Here are some of her amazing results from her last 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7 pounds and a total of 4.5 inches!!! All in 3 days!!

Here are my 21 Day Fix Results. You may be looking at them and saying I didn't lose anything or what is the difference. And honestly I felt that way too! I asked my hubby what is the difference. And this is the conclusion he told me......
I eat so clean - due to having celiacs and not wanting to get sick or contaminated, that the fix diet was a normal every day occurrence. I workout everyday so that was nothing new, BUT I added in weights that defined muscles I have not had defined before and it cut me up more in my stomach and my arms.
The more I think about it, I agree. I went straight from Insanity Max 30 where I lost six pounds into the 21 Day Fix. My body was already in shape and my meal plan was in tack. I did dial it down more with the 21 Day Fix and I did the workouts exactly as she had them. My goal wasn't to lose weight, just the 1 or 2 pounds that needed to come off. My goal was to get more cut up and defined, and honestly do to the 21 day fix in its entirety.
I started to get cut, but am now taking it to the next level with the 21 Day Fix Extreme and hoping that with the Countdown to Competition Plan I will see the cut up results I am looking for.
Here are my Measurements from Day 1 and Day 21
Day 1
Chest - 30.5
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.5
Calf - 13
Waist - 25.5
Hips - 28.75
Butt - 34.75
Weight - 118.5
Day 21 
Chest - 30
Arm - 10
Thigh - 19.5
Calf - 12.5
Waist - 25
Hips - 28.25
Butt - 35
Weight - 116
Total inches lost 1.5 and total pounds lost 2.5 - Not a lot but remember I am someone who is fit, in shape, and eats clean 95% of the time due to celiac's disease.  
Conclusion - This program works! Whether you are someone that wants to lose weight, gain weight, just dial in your nutrition and workout this program is for you. The 21 Day Fix works for everyone and their goals. Remember mine wasn't to lose weight, but to cut up and it helped me do that. If your goal is to lose weight it will help you do that, if you goal is to gain weight it will help you do that, and if you goal is to maintain weight and dial in your nutrition, the 21 Day Fix will help you do that.
This program is amazing and so many people have changed their life due to it. Are you ready to Change yours?
 My own p90x3 Results

This week I am showing you my Transformation Pictures from Last January - April 2014. I started p90x3 at the beginning of 2014 and did the 90 Day program in its entirety. The program was different then T25 but 30 minute workouts were ideal and I ended up falling in love with the program. 

I finished the Program at the beginning of April. This #0day program was amazing! I lost 4% bodyfat and 12 pounds from day 1 to day 90. I am not going to lie it was tough, but it was sooo worthit! I loved every workout and I learned to love Pilates and even Yoga!

With P90x3 I didn't just lose weight but I gained muscle and toned up my arms, stomach and leaned out my legs, which have always been my biggest area to lose / lean up!

I would recommend this program to anyone and everyone! It is not just cardio and it is not just weightlifting. This program is a totalbody program that works everything and does every type of exercise!

And guess what?!?! You can now get P90x, X2 AND x3 on Beachbody's on demand, all for a low price. This program is amazing and knowing that you get all three P90x's on demand and not have to worry about the DVD's scratching or losing the books!!! LOVE IT!!

Thank you Tony Horton for this amazing transformation!! Want to know more about P90x3 or On Demand? Email me at

This girl right here is AMAZING!!! She took on the challenge of the Ultimate Reset. The Reset is 21 Days of tuning up your body how I is suppose to be. The Reset eliminates more than just toxins in your body. It works over your whole boy and mind.
With the Reset you body learns to eliminate certain foods and when you do this your boy will react differently to the same foods once you go back to them. Your body becomes PURE in 21 days.
Christina didn't just lose weight! She gained confidence in herself, got glowing skin, and she learned that she does LOVE veggies. Don't get me wrong she looks FANTASTIC!!!
I know several Coaches and Customers that have done this program have lost any where from 9-20 pounds in just 21 days!! Doing it the healthy way.
With this program you CAN NOT workout, you learn to cook different meals, you can NOT have coffee, and its a lot of food prep. However, with this program you GAIN a sense of accomplishment, you get out of the fog and can work harder, more diligently and more clear! Your body needs a good cleanse 1 time per year and this is the perfect way to do it. You EAT, you aren't in the bathroom all day long, and you learn to drink more water (which your body needs!!!).
And guess what!!! I am going to take on this challenge in September. Why then? I am waiting till September because it will the end of summer, we will be done traveling, and I know my body will need a reset. Also one of my coaches really wants to do it, but needs someone to hold her accountable. So I told her I would do it too. My only worry is the workouts but its only 21 days.
If this is something you would be interested in learning more about or would like to join my September 8th Ultimate Reset group, send me email, and I will get you more information about my September 8th group!
Just think about what you could do to your body both from the inside out. And this group is perfect timing. Kids go back to school and summer and all the yummy food and cookouts are over.


Today I will be blowing up my Blog with 21 Day Fix Transformations!!! Why? Because this program is amazing and because its this months special!!!!! Yep that's right...the 21 DAY FIX and the 21 DAY FIX EXTREME are back on sale this month! And just in time for Summer Vacations!!!



 If I could provide you with a 21 Day workout that was just 30 minutes a day with a meal plan that is simple to follow and uses a fool proof portion control system, telling you exactly what to eat, without starvation, and you could lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in just 3 weeks / 21 days, how serious would you be about trying it?

 Group Starting June 8 and I only have a few spots left. Message me, like this post, or fill this out and I will get in touch with you!



Meet Courtney: The picture on the left was the picture that finally hit home and made her realize that she had to do something about her weight. She ate out for everyday, recently had 2 babies, never exercised, was uncomfortable in her own skin, and did not know how to "Diet".
Beachbody programs, especially the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology, have given her the knowledge, support, and encouragement, that no other company or fitness system has ever given her.
Once she made the commitment to improve her health and fitness the rest came into place. She couldn't have done it without the support of her coach, her husband, family, and the online fitness groups she was placed in, and her 21 Day Fix Partner.
Today Courtney is happier, healthier, more confident, feels great in a her own skin, and is now a Coach helping others on their health and fitness journey.
Courtney has done 3 rounds of the fix, PiYo, Chalene Extreme and the 3 Day Refresh. And now she is thinking about doing the Ultimate Rest!!!
Here is Courtney's after pictures from the 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7.4 pounds and 4.5 inches in just 3 Days!!

This is Angela and she started her journey 9 Months ago with Beachbody. She started out doing the 21 Day Fix. She was post baby #2 happy she had a baby girl, but unhappy with the weight she gained while pregnant. She was over 200 pounds and did not feel comfortable in her own skin.

Since she started the 21 Day fix (9 months ago) She has lost almost 50 pounds. She feels more confident and strong, she is back to working out, running, and feeling sexy in her own skin!

So how did she do it? She did it by changing her lifestyle. She started with the 21 Day Fix and Shakeology. Yes she was breastfeeding and yes she had to go up a bracket but she still continued to lose weight, while still providing her body and her daughter with the nutrients they needed. She started to see the weight steadily decrease. After 3 rounds of the fix, she moved to PiYo, then the fix extreme and now she is doing Body Beast.

She not only fell in love with her new body and confidence, she fell in love with Beachbody, the programs and shakeology!! Why? Because they work! They aren't a quick fix, they teach you about lifestyle changes and nutrition. Since then she has become a coach and is now helping others get healthy and happy!!

You can be a busy, working, full-time mom. There are many programs that are 30 minutes or less. Eating Clean is fun! If you are ready to take the next step with your health or get back to prebaby weight I am here for you. Let me help you feel confident, strong, and sexy again!! When you are ready, I am here for you! We will do it together.

You Ready? Email me to get started today!
This is Jess. She started out as a customer doing the 21 day fix back in September. She fell in love with shakeology and knew that she couldn't live without it but it really didn't fit into her finances. Being off of it, for just a few days, made her realize that she didn't it and needed to figure out a way to afford it. So she become a working coach and she has been on fire ever since!!! She is crushing goals like no other, especially when it comes to help others each month.

These are Jess's Before and after photos from doing the 3 Day Refresh. She did the refresh at the end of April and in the middle of the week. She did it Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday. She decided to complete this program in order to get back on track with her eating and to see what it was like.
For 3 days, she endured fiber sweeps, vanilla fresh shakes, fruit, and veggies. She also drank a ton of water!

Something's that she learned doing the fresh are:
**chug the fiber sweep
**add less water, almond extract, and lots of ice to the vanilla fresh shakes
**drink plenty of water
**savor every bite of those veggies
** do low impact workouts
**hummus is actually really good!!

Recap on her experience:

The first 2 days weren't bad. She was surprised at how much energy she had and how she wasn't hungry. However, the 3rd day was a different story for her. She caved and ate a tsp. of peanut butter! However, overall, in 3 days she lost 4.2 POUNDS and 2 INCHES (1.5 from her hips and .5 from her waist)! She was really impressed with herself and her results. And she plans to this program in the future.

Everyone's experiences are different. On the first day its always harder for me than the 3rd day and usually on the 3rd day I am flying high and feel like I can take on the world. However, the one thing that is not different for everyone is the results. No matter who you are, as long as you follow the 3 days to a T you will lose weight and lose any where from 2-10 pounds.

Remember this 3 day refresh is safe, effective, and you EAT on it. No starving yourself, no juicing or fasting, you actually eat a lot of food on it. 

Interested in the 3 day refresh? Want to do it before you leave for vacation. Email me at and lets get you started!!


This is Crysta S. She started out doing the 21 Day Fix, last May 2014. She had the last bit of weight from her pregnancy that she wanted to lose, that was just not coming off. She was approached by a coach, (me) a few times about the 21 Day Fix, and finally decided to try it. She figured its only 21 Days and she could handle that. Needless to say that she FELL in love with the Fix. She lost 8 pounds and 8 inches in 21 Days. She loved the Fix so much that she told everyone and anyone about it and had them sign up with her coach. She loved shakeology and the fix and after few months doing both, she was ready to sign up a preferred customer / discount coach so that she could get a discount on shakeology and other programs.

In October she switched to P90 to gain muscle and strength and then in January, Crysta was approached by a friend about 21 day fix and she realized that she could be helping others on their journey and make a few extra dollars while doing it. So she took a leap of faith and decided to work the business!!!

She hasn't looked back since she started improving her health and fitness journey and she continues to grow and change lives. She is currently doing the PiYo program and then moving onto Insanity Max 30. She also just ranked to Diamond this past week.

Don't let excuses hold you back any longer. Take a leap of faith like Crysta did and start getting rid of those last 5 - 10 pounds, or the baby weight you want to get rid of,  or start your health and fitness journey and loss the excess weight you have to lose. I can help you. What is 21 days right? Its not even a whole month.

If you are ready to commit and get healthy and happy this summer - email me at I would love to help you and who knows what will happen a year from now. Don't wait one more day. Lets get moving and grooving to a healthy happy summer!
Transformation Tuesday - Laci S. 21 Day Fix

Meet Laci, she's pretty awesome! She started out like all of us, looking for a solution to feel better, have more energy with her kid, more energy work, and to be comfortable in her own skin. She needed something that was easy, simple, and the workouts weren't long, since she is a Full time working mom. Insert, 21 Day Fix. Laci was introduced to the 21 Day Fix by her coach. And she fell in love with the program. Not only was she seeing results, she was feeling the results. Thanks to the 21 Day Fix and shakeology, Laci had energy to work all day and still come home and play with her little guy and make dinner for her husband.

Laci has now completed two rounds of the 21 Day Fix, while drinking #shakeology, and lost 12 pounds and two pants sizes! Her energy is infectious, and she loves the plan so much that she's decided to become a Coach herself and help motivate others to live a happy, healthy lifestyle. This amazing working mom will have even more success in the future as she completes her first round of 21 Day Fix Extreme and sticks to her clean eating habits. Congrats, Laci!
Transformation Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh Results - April 2015
The results are in!! I did the 3 Day Refresh last week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

After doing the 3 Day Refresh I feel amazing, I have so much more energy, I am back on track with my eating, all my cravings are gone and I am sleeping better!! Sleeping better and having more energy are so much better than any weight loss.

So why did I do it? I did the refresh to lose the bloat I had from traveling, to rid my body of the Gluten that I got contaminated with in Mexico, and to just rid my body of all the germs and toxins from flying and traveling. The refresh gives you an amazing kick start into losing weight, eating clean, or just cleansing your body after a long vacation and traveling.

So what did I lose? I lost 3 pounds in 3 days!! This is the 3rd time I have done this program and because I only gained 4 pounds on vacation I didn't want to lose any more than that. So 3 pounds to me is AWESOME!!

 Day 0 - 118.0
Day 1 - 116.6
Day 2 - 115.4
Day 3 - 115.0

Waist - I lost 1 inch around my waist

I am so happy with the results. Plus my body feels better over all and I got rid of the gluten that was in my body wrecking havoc on it.

The 3 day refresh is simply, easy, and produces amazing results! Interested and want to know more about it? Message me and I will tell you all about it!

And I goofed and didn't take pictures this time!! Sorry!! :(


21 Day Fix Does it really work?

Look at these amazing results that Janae got from doing it. All it took her was 21 days to lose the bloat and gain the bikini body she wanted. And because she got such amazing results not just with her body but with her health, energy, and confidence, that she decided to become a coach herself!!

So is the Fix for real? Here are a lot of questions I get with the 21 Day Fix

Does it only take 21 days for everyone to gain that body? No but no matter what shape you are in, you will lose 5-15 pounds in the first 21 days.

So what do you do after the 21 days? - I suggest that you continue to do the 21 day fix, a second round even a third round till you hit your goal weight and body.

Is this unsafe? - The 21 day fix is all about portion control. Not unsafe at all. You are still eating a TON and you are balancing your nutrition so you do not eat too much of one thing and not enough of another.

Do I have to eat a set meal plan? - NOPE!!! You eat what you want and when you want! The only rule is that it has to fit into the containers and you have to have that container left to be allowed it.

Is it hard? - NO the meal planning is simple and easy. The first time looking at it, you might feel overwhelmed but by day 5 you are  pro!

Shakes - Do I have to do them? - No put I will tell you that I strongly recommend that you do them at least the first round. Why? because shakeology gives you energy and when you are starting a new program whether you have worked out daily before or are brand new, you will need the energy to keep going. Plus it has many other benefits too!

Workouts - Are they hard? - They can be if you push yourself, but there is a modifier too. I have clients that range from 20-65 that are doing this program and love it and take the workouts at their own pace.

If the 21 Day Fix, sounds like something you would like to do and you want to know more about it, you can email me at or you can check me out on my teambeachbody website.
Transformation Tuesday!!! - 60 Day Insanity Max 30 Program

Eeek the results are in!! On January 4th I started Insanity Max 30 not quite sure where the next 60 days were going to take me. However, they took me on an amazing journey!!

I LOVE Insanity Max 30. This program not only helped me lose weight and inches, but this program helped me gain confidence, it helped me learn to defeat my mind, helped me set goals and reach beyond them. This program gave me a sense of empowerment over my mind and body!! I feel amazing after doing this program for 60 days!! There were days I did eat a little more than I wanted or had a treat meal but I stuck to my eating plan 90% of the entire 60 days and happy with these results.

Day 1 -
Chest - 32 1/2 inches
Arm R and L - 10 inches
Thigh R and L - 20 inches
Calf R and L - 13 1/2 inches
Waist - 29 inches
Hips - 31 1/4 inches
Butt - 36 1/2 inches
Weight 122.8
Total Inches - 172.75

Day 60 -
Chest - 30 1/2 inches
Arm R and L - 10 inches
Thigh R and L - 19 1/2 inches
Calf  R and L - 13 inches
Waist - 25 1/2 inches
Hips - 28 3/4 inches
Butt - 34 3/4 inches
Weight - 116.2
Total Inches - 162.0

So what did I lose? I love a total of 6.6 pounds and 10.75 inches overall!!!

I am SUPER happy with these results. I know I lost more weight in the first month and built a lot of muscle in the second month. However, I did still lose  little in the second month.

However, the greatest thing I gained was my confidence and the biggest thing I lost was my self doubt and giving into my mind.

This program is a challenge. It was even for me. But I learned to push past my limitations and go beyond what I ever dreamed of. And with this program you can too. Plus there is a modifier that will allow you to start out slow and gain the confidence you need to push play every day and push past your limitations!!
Testimonial Tuesday - Shakeology
Shakeology Testimonial!! I love when my clients message me with their progress, results, feelings, etc.  And today's testimonial isn't about weight lose, or inches lost, its about health and their immune system from drinking shakeology daily.

From Client: "I forgot to tell you! For all of your challengers that aren't sure about shakeology, I have noticed a HUGE difference in my immune system this year:) Last winter I was sick a lot with colds and viruses but this year I haven't had much of anything and I really think its because i drink shakeology everyday! I think it's supposed to help your immune system with all the vitamins and I really think it helps!" This is coming from a NURSE!!! Yes you read that right. My client is a nurse that sent this to me.
So What is Shakeology?

Shakeology is a meal replacement shake. However, if you are looking to gain weight - it is an added meal for the day and not a replacer. It delivered to you monthly / every 30 days. The cost of the shake is $130 a month or you can sign up as a preferred customer and save $17 a month.  If you don't like it you can always cancel it but everyone I know has fallen in love with it. It sounds a lot but the shake is worth every penny and MORE. Shakeology gives you energy, curbs your appetite, helps with cravings, helps with regulating you and much more!

Do you want to try it before you buy it? Your in luck!!!I have individual packets that you can buy  1, 5, or 10 at a time to try. Plus I will give you 10 days of meal plans, 10 days of workouts, and get me as your FREE coach! This shake will help you with your energy, reduce your cravings, aid you in your weight loss and so much more!!  Email me or comment below, if you are interested and want more details on Shakeology and how you can try it out! :)
I had a challenger just finish up the 3 Day Refresh and she lost 8 POUNDS!!! I couldn't believe it! In just 3 days she lost 8 pounds. She couldn't either!! This is what she said......

                       "I actually had to weigh myself 3 times this morning because I couldn't believe what the scale said! I lost 8 pounds and 2 1/2 inches on my waist. And I feel fabulous!"

This challenger has been doing the 21 day fix and drinking shakeology daily since December. Keep in mind that is only 2 1/2 months. She also sent me this......

                       "Thank you! I couldn't believe it! I looked back and from the beg. of December I've lost 24 pounds and 9 1/2 inches from my waist! It's crazy! And I am so happy about it!"

She has lost 24 pounds OVER a 2 1/2 month span and one of those moths was CHRISTMAS!!! And this has all happened because she CHOOSE to finally take a stand with her health and get fit and happy.

It's amazing what eating clean, portioning your food, workout 30 minutes a day, and a determination can do in just under 3 months.

No I don't have pictures to show, but just these words alone are why I do what I do!!!

This is Bonnie. She is a mom of 2 beautiful children, a full time / owner of her own day care and wife! On the left is her 2 months after having her second child. She was tired of the weight she gained and needed something to do, to get rid of it. Being a mom of a 2 month old and a Kindergartener, she needed something quick but EFFECTIVE.

She decided to check T25. Why? Because it is cardio, only 25 minutes long, and it was something she KNEW she could fit into her day. Along with shakeology, clean eating, and working out, Bonnie lost 15+ pounds, decided to become a coach, and has not looked back. Not only did she lose weight but she gained confidence back and the love for her own body!

These products work! With the program, nutrition, and support you get, these products are top notch! They work and you see results fast!
Transformation Tuesday - Laura M

This is Laura. She is a Beachbody Coach, she is a mom of 2 cute boys, a wife, and a full time 2nd grade teacher. She started with Insanity and Drinking Shakeology a year ago. While combining those 2 things, along with eating clean and being part of an accountability group she lost 17 pounds!! If it wasn't for the accountability group she would have given up after day 5, because lets be honest, Insanity isn't the easiest program out there. Because of the accountability group she was inspired and changed. After Insanity she T25, p90x3, and the 21 day fix. She is now doing Insanity Max 30 and loving it. After Insanity and the amazing group she was in and the fabulous results she got, she decided to pay it forward! She became a coach.

Beachbody Programs work, Shakeology works, clean eating works they all work together but the thing that makes them all come together is the accountability groups. Laura said it herself, she NEVER would have stuck to it, if it weren't for the group she was in and the people cheering her on and motivating her.

When it comes to a lifestyle change, you need a group of like minded people that are doing the same thing you are and are there to support you and cheer you on.

That is the greatest thing about Beachbody! You get the WHOLE package! You get the support, the fitness program, and the nutrition. That is why people get the RESULTS they get!
Transformation Tuesday - Kristin B

Here is Kristin B. She went from a size 10-12 weighing a 147 pounds to a size 4 weighing 120 pounds!!! How?!?! By using the 21 day fix and Shakeology. The 21 day fix is Game Changer. This program is all about portion control. There is no counting calories. You pick what you want and as long as it fits in the containers you get with the program then you can have it. The program does tell you how many of each serving you get based upon weight. It also comes with you first month of Shakeology and 10 different 30 minute workouts. The whole thing lasts 21 days and I have had clients lose anywhere from 5 to 15 lbs in 21 days.

The greatest thing about this program is that you don't have to stop after 21 days. I have clients that go on to do multiple rounds like Kristin, until they read their goal weight. Plus this nutrition plan can be used with nay workout after the 21 days.

I chose this transformation because I truly believe in this program. The 21 day fix has not only changed my life, but it has changed my husbands life! Right now my husband is going through rehab for his torn quad tendon. Most people when they have a serious injury like that end up gaining 20+ pounds because they are no longer mobile and able to workout. Not my hubby!!! He has gained 0 pounds, yes he has lost muscle but he gained nothing!!!! Why? Because he drank shakeology daily and followed the 21 day fix program!!

Whether you are a man or a woman this program works!!! And the best thing about this program, is that it is on sale for the month of January!!! So if you are ready to make that lifestyle change and change your eating habits, message me. Email me at and I would love to help you get on track and reach YOUR goals!!
3 Day Refresh Transformation Tuesday
July before my Wedding

Halloween, in-between Insanity and Asylum
It's back!! The 3 day refresh is back on sale this month. I am not someone that pushes cleanses because most of the are unhealthy and make you gain the weight back you lost times 2! But with this Clinically Proven 3 Day Refresh, I am shouting from the roof tops with it.
The 3 Day refresh is perfect!! 1. Its only 3 days and 2. You still get to eat REAL food with it! I love doing this program because I see results AND I continue to see results even when I add more food back in after the 3 days, plus I don't gain any back!!!
The 3 day refresh is perfect for anyone that is looking to kick start their weight loss journey, kick start their eating habits, needs a cleanse from traveling, holiday binging, or to do every few months to rid the toxins from your body.

Every time I have don't the refresh I have seen amazing results!! The first time I did it I was traveling, stressed, planning a wedding, at Summit and not eating the right food or enough food. So I had gained the bloat and yucky feeling. I needed to get rid of that feeling so I could feel and look amazing in my wedding dress. I lost 7.5 POUNDS on the refresh!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I jumped on the scale the last day to see the results. I was ecstatic!!!
The second time I did the refresh I lost 3.4 POUNDS!!! Not as much, but I wasn't eating or traveling like I was before the wedding.. Plus I had just finished Insanity so I had more muscle than fat on my body! 
The refresh is easy to do, you aren't running to the bathroom all day to go poop, PEE yes, but not poop, you get to eat real food, you can do moderate exercises on it, AND you gain confidence, energy, and so much more in just 3 days!!
This product / program is one that I highly recommend people to do! Especially after the holiday season!!
Interested in doing this program? Email me at and I will be more than glad to set you up with it and get you started on your health and fitness journey of 2015!!  

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