Tuesday, January 6, 2015

3 Day Refresh Transformation Tuesday

July before my Wedding

Halloween, in-between Insanity and Asylum
It's back!! The 3 day refresh is back on sale this month. I am not someone that pushes cleanses because most of the are unhealthy and make you gain the weight back you lost times 2! But with this Clinically Proven 3 Day Refresh, I am shouting from the roof tops with it.
The 3 Day refresh is perfect!! 1. Its only 3 days and 2. You still get to eat REAL food with it! I love doing this program because I see results AND I continue to see results even when I add more food back in after the 3 days, plus I don't gain any back!!!
The 3 day refresh is perfect for anyone that is looking to kick start their weight loss journey, kick start their eating habits, needs a cleanse from traveling, holiday binging, or to do every few months to rid the toxins from your body.

Every time I have don't the refresh I have seen amazing results!! The first time I did it I was traveling, stressed, planning a wedding, at Summit and not eating the right food or enough food. So I had gained the bloat and yucky feeling. I needed to get rid of that feeling so I could feel and look amazing in my wedding dress. I lost 7.5 POUNDS on the refresh!!! I couldn't believe my eyes when I jumped on the scale the last day to see the results. I was ecstatic!!!
The second time I did the refresh I lost 3.4 POUNDS!!! Not as much, but I wasn't eating or traveling like I was before the wedding.. Plus I had just finished Insanity so I had more muscle than fat on my body! 
The refresh is easy to do, you aren't running to the bathroom all day to go poop, PEE yes, but not poop, you get to eat real food, you can do moderate exercises on it, AND you gain confidence, energy, and so much more in just 3 days!!
This product / program is one that I highly recommend people to do! Especially after the holiday season!!
Interested in doing this program? Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com and I will be more than glad to set you up with it and get you started on your health and fitness journey of 2015!!  

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