Friday, January 9, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #8 - Police Your Portions

Police your portions

Does your steak take up more than half your plate? Think about cutting your serving of beef in half. That's because it's best to try and fill half your plate with veggies or a mixture of veggies and fresh fruit, so that it's harder to overdo it on the more caloric dishes (like cheesy potatoes or barbecue sauce–slathered ribs!).
Policing your portions can be tough if you don't have the right tools. That is where the 21 Day fix comes in handy! I am not trying to be saleys but the 21 Day Fix is all about portion control and balancing your nutrition. You can't eat 5 servings of fruit all day, a huge steak, and a helping a veggies and say you ate well. You need to balance your nutrition out with fruits, veggies, starches, protein, and healthy fats. And with the 21 Day fix, it teaches you how to do all that, while still enjoying what you love to eat. And the best part is, its simple, easy and there is no guess work!

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