Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Good-by 2014, Hello 2015

For the past week I have been reflecting on 2014 and planning for 2015. A lot happened in 2014 and most of it was unexpected and not fun. Yes I got married in 2014 and we had our Reception / Party but so much other stuff has happened, and not good stuff, that both My husband and I are glad its a NEW YEAR!!

2014 started off with my husband loosing his job, then with his Grandmother dying in June, then we had our wedding in San Diego, where my older sister tried to ruin it, with her negative, rude attitude, smart as comments, and more. Then we had our Party back in State College, PA where my older sister again got WASTED, was rude to our guest, shoved people out of the way, and then cussed out my husbands friend, who ever so graciously gave us the place for FREE!!! After all that we thought we were in the clear, HOWEVER, then September 13, happened. 2 months after our wedding, my husband ruptured his quad tendon completely and had to have surgery on it within the week. Oh and we are living with my parents.

Yes 2014 was year full of changes, both good and bad. And I will never forget our wedding and the party and the good memories made there. BUT, I am not sad to see 2014 leave.

Yes a lot of good things happened like, I quit my job, I went full time with Beachbody, I become a diamond coach and 2 1.2 months later I became a one start diamond coach, I went to summit and was in the top 850 coaches out of 230,000++ in the business.

However, like I Said I am ready for 2015! Why? Because I have big goals and plans for this year. I want to make 6 figures by the end of the year, I want to help 500+ people change their lives for the better with health and fitness, I want to help 6 of my coaches rank to diamond and continue on their way to becoming financially free. There is so much that is going to happen in 2015 and it is all going to be EPIC!!!

Something's I am going to work on this year are no stressing, stop comparing myself to others, and the biggest thing is I REFUSE to allow my older sister to ruin MY year!!

Here is a picture of my goal board, I am showing you this to hold me accountable but to also show you that its okay to DREAM and its okay to dream BIG!!!

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