Monday, January 12, 2015

Week 2 of Insanity Max 30

Insanity Max 30 Week 2!! All I can say is I am LOVING this program!! Its hard but its because you push yourself to the max, if you didn't then it wouldn't be hard AND you wouldn't get the best results.

Last week OMG, by Wednesday I was dead! I was sore, tired, and couldn't walk up the stairs. It was an amazing feeling. Why? Because I never felt that way with Insanity, Asylum, or Asylum 2. I was never sore.

So what's the Different between Insanity and Max 30? There are a bunch. 1. Insanity is 45-60 minutes long, it has a warm up, a stretch, the workouts, and then a cool down. Max 30 is exactly 30 minutes long, each workout.  It has a warm up, no stretch, the workout and the cool down is after the 30 minutes, so you technically can choose to do it or not. Insanity had you follow a calorie based meal plan and Max 30 is having you follow the 21 Day Fix Meal plan. Insanity had a lot of water breaks and Shaun T took a lot of time show and talk about the move. Max 30 less water breaks and no explaining of the move, you just keep going, move after move and figure out the form. Insanity has a recovery week between month 1 and month 2. Max 30 has no recovery week, you go straight into month 2. Insanity has no modifier and no Max Out. Max 30 has a modifier and Shaun T WANTS you to max out.

To me, how I describe Max 30 is, that it is a lot like T25 the way it is structured but it is T25 on SPEED.

I love this program. Yes I am only on week 2 and it is kicking my butt, BUT it is a program that any one can do because it has the modifier. Will you still max out? Yes you will, as long as you push yourself as hard as you can. I can't wait to see my results after a month and after the entire program!!!

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