Wednesday, January 21, 2015

You are the one that Decides

 I have some hard core truth coming your way today!

So let's be honest here.....It's YOU who decides what YOU eat!

Smack! That is hard to face and accept but it's the truth! It's not your husband, boyfriend, co-workers, family, friends, etc that MAKE you eat any of it! It's YOU!!

Yes they may offer you that cookie, beer, wine, fried food, etc. Yes they may even tempt you and try to peer pressure you, are the one that ultimately decides what YOU put into your body!

It stinks! It's so much easier to blame someone else so you don't have to feel guilty, but guess what!?!? You are to blame! We all are!

When we choose to over indulge or to fall off the wagon, it's not anyone else's fault but our own. BUT....just as we decide to fall we can decide to jump back on!!!

Stop blaming others and start accepting that hard cold truth. You fell off. ITS OKAY!! We all fall off at some point in time, BUT what you can do is jump back on! Decide today that you are no longer going to let anyone decide what you eat except for you!! Stick to it! You can do it!!! And I am here for you!!

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