Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Why Coaching?

Hello Everyone!!! Why I am a Beachbody coach? Why did I decide to do the whole coaching thing? Is it to make a fast buck? Is it just a part time job to make some extra spending money? Is it to be part of something bigger? Why? Why coaching?

I become a coach  in July of 2013. I just got back from visiting my fiancés family in San Diego, and I just felt blah. I worked out and lifted every day but I hated the way I felt. I needed Cardio back in  my life but I hated gyms and machines, didn't have time for classes, and no longer wanted to run and pound the pavement. So I saw my coach post about T25. T25 is literally 25 minutes of pure cardio. I believed that I could do that. That I could do 25 minutes after school and still lift in the morning. So I bought it. Not really knowing what I was doing and if it was going to work. Well, I feel in love with it and thought everyone should do it! Seriously who didn't have 25 minutes a day to workout. I also switched from drinking Isagneix to drinking Shakeology every day! I loved it!!! Shakeology made me feel good, gave me energy, made me feel positive, helped with my weight loss journey, and regulated me!

So I went to my coach and said I want to do what you are doing. I want to help others see how amazing these products are. So I jumped in to the whole coaching thing, not knowing again what I was getting myself into.


Coaching has been the best thing that has happened to me! Yes I love to workout and eat clean, and I honestly started to help get me in shape for my wedding. But I have always loved helping others and I want to help as many people as  I can. I always say, if I didn't get paid to do this, I would still do it!But my Why goes deeper. There is a lot of disease in my family genes. Both my dads parents died before he was 19 years old. His dad died of a massive heart attack and his mom died of cancer. My mom's parents both passed before I was 19 years old. Yes I got to spend time with them and enjoy them but some of my cousins didn't. And my grandfather was a riot and I know my husband would have loved him.

So as a coach, my goal is to help everyone!! Help everyone live a LONG and HEALTHY life. No I do not believe in weighing 100 pounds and being toothpick thin! I believe in being healthy, fit, and strong. Everyone has a different goal, but everyone NEEDS to workout and eat healthy daily, especially if they want to be around a long time.

I want my parents to be around for my kids, I want my husbands parents to be around for our kids. I want our kids to know their grandparents!!! So yes maybe I am coaching for selfish reasons, but I want YOU to be around for YOUR kids or grandkids some day! I want YOU to be healthy, happy, fit, and strong so that you can play with them and not be weak or sick.

Food is the most important thing when it comes to nourishing our body, BUT if we eat the wrong things they can do more damage then good. That is why I drink shakeology daily and that is why I try to be a good role model to my husband and our parents. Shakeology isn't just an overpriced shake! Its worth every penny because you are getting 8 bowls of salad in 1 shake, you are getting 70+ superfoods in every shake! You are getting the healthiest meal of the day when you have 1 shake a day!

Don't be afraid of getting healthy, changing your lifestyle or stepping outside of your comfort zone. EVERYONE needs to do it, whether you weigh 120 or 320 you need to take control of your body, feed it the correct nutrients, and keep it moving so that when you are ready to have kids or your kids have kids, you can enjoy them and run around with them.

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