Wednesday, January 28, 2015

2015 Goal Board

Do you make new years resolutions? Do you make goal boards? Do you stick with any of it? Do you reflect on it after 1 month, 3 months, 6 months, 9 months? Are you a go getter?

I have never once made a goal board or set any big goals for me before I started coaching. I just lived life and continued to teach and never dreamed big!

Well not any more!! I have big goals with my Business and I KNOW I am going to make them happen. How do I KNOW this? Because I truly believe in the products I work with. I know that Beachbody is an amazing company that is going to continue to grow and expand and I am so lucky to be a part of this organization.

So what are some of my goals? Some of them may look small to you but they are all big goals for me.

Goal 1 - read 24 PERSONAL DEVELOPMENT books this year. That is 2 per month. I never liked to read, let a long PD books before I joined Beachbody. Now its the only thing I read. Also I am a slower reader, so I am working on reading faster and longer so I can make this goal happen.

Goal 2 - Add 4 people a month to TEAM FEARLESS DREAMERS - I want to help people with their health, fitness and financial goals. Even if they just want to be a preferred customer and receive just a discount on their products. I want them to join my team.

Goal 3 - I started my personal training certification in July of 2013, however, life has happened and I made excuses of why I couldn't do it yet. My goal is to work on it daily and be certified by July 2015.

Goal 4 - Become a Success Club Legend. Why this goal? Its not for the legend name but to know that for 2 years I have helped at least 3 people a month start their health and fitness journey! I want to help others love themselves and feel good about themselves. I want people to live longer and enjoy life. So each month I goal is to help just 3 people.

Goal 5 - I want to be CREDIT CARD DEBT free. I was able to pay my credit card off last year and now I want to pay off my husbands by the end of this year. Yes we will still have student loans but I want to be CC Debt free by the end of this year

Goal 6 - Goes a long with 5 to be credit card debt free, I need to make $1,500 a week. This will allow us to pay all the bills we have, put money away to invest, and to pay off more than we the average with the credit card bill.

Goal 7 - Be 6 Star Diamond by Summit which is Mid July - This is not a goal for me so that I can rank advance, but it is a goal for my coaches. I want to know that I have helped at least 6 of my personally sponsored coaches reach Diamond and advance their business to the next level and continue to reach their goals financially!

These goals might not seem like much, but for the first time in my life, I am pushing myself WAY out of my comfort zone, setting HIGH goals for me and looking forward to seeing where this year takes me!

So will you set goals for yourself this year? Will you check in on those goals each month, every 3? Don't make goals and walk away from them. Make sure you check in with them on monthly / bimonthly so you know how you are doing and what you need to change or what you need to keep doing.

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