Monday, January 5, 2015

Day 1 of Insanity Max 30

Good Morning!! Its the first Monday of the new year and I am starting it out with a new program and going back to my 21 day fix eating plan! I can't wait to post about my progress and changes in my body with this new program.

And all I have to say about day 1 is......OMG!!! I don't know what else to say about insanity Max 30! Today was day 1 cardio challenge! My goal was to make it 15 minutes or max out after Shaun T. Yes I am competitive and it's what pushes me harder with my workouts! Well I made it to half that goal! I didn't max out till minute 16.52!! And Shaun T maxed out at 17 so I wasn't far behind him! It was the should tap in and out abs that got me!

This program is seriously unbelievable!! It worked my abs like no other and in 30 minutes I burned over 350 calories! I think I am in love haha!

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