Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Laura M

This is Laura. She is a Beachbody Coach, she is a mom of 2 cute boys, a wife, and a full time 2nd grade teacher. She started with Insanity and Drinking Shakeology a year ago. While combining those 2 things, along with eating clean and being part of an accountability group she lost 17 pounds!! If it wasn't for the accountability group she would have given up after day 5, because lets be honest, Insanity isn't the easiest program out there. Because of the accountability group she was inspired and changed. After Insanity she T25, p90x3, and the 21 day fix. She is now doing Insanity Max 30 and loving it. After Insanity and the amazing group she was in and the fabulous results she got, she decided to pay it forward! She became a coach.

Beachbody Programs work, Shakeology works, clean eating works they all work together but the thing that makes them all come together is the accountability groups. Laura said it herself, she NEVER would have stuck to it, if it weren't for the group she was in and the people cheering her on and motivating her.

When it comes to a lifestyle change, you need a group of like minded people that are doing the same thing you are and are there to support you and cheer you on.

That is the greatest thing about Beachbody! You get the WHOLE package! You get the support, the fitness program, and the nutrition. That is why people get the RESULTS they get!

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