Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh Results - April 2015

The results are in!! I did the 3 Day Refresh last week, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.

After doing the 3 Day Refresh I feel amazing, I have so much more energy, I am back on track with my eating, all my cravings are gone and I am sleeping better!! Sleeping better and having more energy are so much better than any weight loss.

So why did I do it? I did the refresh to lose the bloat I had from traveling, to rid my body of the Gluten that I got contaminated with in Mexico, and to just rid my body of all the germs and toxins from flying and traveling. The refresh gives you an amazing kick start into losing weight, eating clean, or just cleansing your body after a long vacation and traveling.

So what did I lose? I lost 3 pounds in 3 days!! This is the 3rd time I have done this program and because I only gained 4 pounds on vacation I didn't want to lose any more than that. So 3 pounds to me is AWESOME!!

 Day 0 - 118.0
Day 1 - 116.6
Day 2 - 115.4
Day 3 - 115.0

Waist - I lost 1 inch around my waist

I am so happy with the results. Plus my body feels better over all and I got rid of the gluten that was in my body wrecking havoc on it.

The 3 day refresh is simply, easy, and produces amazing results! Interested and want to know more about it? Message me and I will tell you all about it!

And I goofed and didn't take pictures this time!! Sorry!! :(

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