Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Fixin For Summer Fitness Group - Starts Monday April 13th

Winter is gone and before you know it Summer will be here!! Are you ready?

 Do you have summer plans already? Are you going to the beach? Do you have a wedding you are in? Or do you just want to get rid of the baby weight you gained? Whatever it is, you can do it! And with the help from me and the fitness group you will be Summer ready before summer even gets here!

 I am on a mission to get fit and lean for summer! Why? Because I to look my best in a bikini that I have not worn in over 2 years (I didn't have time last year with the wedding) and in the cute summer outfits that I am seeing already in the stores!!

 SO.....I need your HELP!! I need accountability and motivation to keep me going because we have less than 3 months till its bikini season!!

 Starting April 13th I am starting a 21 Day fix, Fixin for Summer, fitness group! In this group you will be provided with 3 weeks of workouts, meal plans, support, motivation from others and myself doing the program, portion control containers to keep for life and a month of Shakeology!
The 21 Day Fix is all about portion sizes and all about SIMPLE!! Simple eating and simple workouts. The guess work has been taken out for you!! And guess what you can still have a glass of wine or some chocolate with this amazing plan!!! And I have had clients lose anywhere from 5-15 pounds in their first 21 days!

Only 4 spots left!!! RESERVE YOUR SPOT NOW!!!

 Interested in learning more about the 21 day fix and how you can reserve your spot today? Send me an Email or click HERE to find out more.

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