Monday, April 6, 2015

Recap of Week 2 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme

Week 2 Recap of the 21 Day Fix Extreme

Today starts week 3 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme for me. I honestly can't believe that I am on week 3 and almost over with the Extreme. .

Week 2 was MUCH easier than week 1 was. I know that I said week 1 was tough but I promise week 2 was actually a lot easier.  The workouts got easier and the meal planning became a routine. I no longer notice with the workouts the short breaks and her going harder and faster no longer bothers me. I still struggle with some moves, but I have mastered most of them and have really enjoyed the new moves in this program.

As for Pilates, I am going to be honest it is a challenge and I HATE it. haha I usually don't use the word hate but this workout is a struggle for me. The red band that you have to use is tough and I get tangled, so I don't feel like I am getting that great of a workout in because I am too focused on the band and not the moves, or trying to untangle myself and not able to get the full benefit of each move.

This week I replaced Dirty 30 with the ABC Fix Extreme workout. It is an extra bonus DVD that comes with 2 workouts that you can use to replace Plyo and Dirty 30 with. I liked ABC - Abs, Butt, and Cardio - I think this week I will do Dirty 30 Extreme. The ABC was a good workout, but it focused more on ab moves and I didn't get a good sweat with it. However, the one great move in there that is killer is a 1 minute squat hold. Its crazy but feels amazing when you are done!! Also with the ABC extreme it is 15 moves in a 1 round and you repeat that round 2 times.

I still stand by what I said last week, when it comes to these workouts, they are AWESOME and definitely for someone that is more advanced and has been working out for a while. You get stronger each week and see faster definition in your muscles than with 21 Day Fix, but that is because you are using weights for everything! There is  modifier but she still goes hard so I stick by what I said last week and I would not recommend this program for someone who is a beginner or has a serious injury.

MEAL PLANING - now this has seriously been my FAVORITE part of the program. The 21 Day Fix Extreme comes with 2 meal plans. One is the Extreme Meal Plan just like the regular Fix, BUT you no longer get sweets, waffles, treats, and of course your wine! The competition plan - is a carb depletion plan that is for someone that wants serious results, someone that is thinking about doing a Body Competition, someone needing to lose those last few pounds, OR someone, like me, getting ready for a trip.

I have continued this past week to do the Countdown to Competition plan. With this plan I am getting 6 reds (proteins), 3 greens (veggies) and 1 yellow (carb) a day. You do this for 2 days and  then you go to the Extreme Meal plan for 1 Day - like the fix but no treats.

I am not a meat eater but the competition plan ha showed me that eating a higher protein diet gives me more energy, better workouts, a happier tummy, and overall makes me feel good. I honestly thought I was going to hate it and have to quit after the first day or 2 because I hate meat, however, I am in love with it, have stuck to it and am now on day 15.  I am learning a lot about my body. I thought I would miss the fruits and carbs, but I don't. I actually have learned to appreciate food more, and the tastes of the foods you miss. I love that the days I have fruits they feel like a cheat because I am getting a treat! I love that feeling and it definitely helps you not want to cheat and stick with the plan. Plus I keep saying its 2 days on and 1 day off. Just look it at like that any one can do it!!

Its interesting how in tune I have become with my body and it has me thinking about my nutrition plan come after the fix.

Here are pictures of what I eat on the competition plan and what I eat on the extreme plan. I continue to do the same thing on Competition Plan days and Extreme days.

Honestly if you stay consistent with this program and don't cheat, you will see amazing results. This program is going to have you drop a ton of weight like the regular fix, but this program will allow you to slim down and tone up like you have never before. Stay Consistent. Remember its not perfection that you are looking for, its Determination and willpower refusing to give up.

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