Friday, April 3, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #20 - Say Goodbye to Peer Pressure.

Say goodbye to peer pressure

Even if you've been eating right on track, it may be tough to stay on track if your partner, coworkers, or friends don't share your healthy-eating habits. What to do?
If your partner loves pizza, try ordering a pie that's heavy on the veggies and light on the cheese—then supplement it with a side salad.
Or, if your friends are having a girls' night out, suggest a restaurant that's got healthy appetizer options, instead of the typical fare of onion rings and cheese dip. Or ask for you food to be grilled and not fried. Ask for it be done in olive oil and not canola oil.
And at work, instead of Friday baked-goods day, suggest a Friday "make it healthy" day, and swap in baked pears with cinnamon or mini fruit-and-nut muffins for brownies and blondies.
Always plan ahead, when you can avoid the temptation, pack meals and snacks that will help you say no. You can still be social without eating the food.
And when in doubt and you feel your will power is done, drink your shakeology. It will keep you full and help you avoid any and all temptations and cravings you might have had.
Remember what you are working for. Is I worth a minute on your lips for a life time on your hips. If you think it is worth it, by all means go for it and enjoy it. Just remember to portion it out and go on the lighter / smaller size of a helping

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