Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Life is NOT a dress rehearsal

Life is NOT a dress rehearsal!

There is no warm-up, there is no dress rehearsal, there is no practice for life. YET, many of us treat life like there is. 

We don't get a rehearsal for life. We have to do the best we can in the moment.

Life can be messy. We fail. We make mistakes. And that is okay!! But we need to give life our best from the very start and not half way through. We need to learn from our mistakes and failures and continue to grow! We are only given ONE life to live. We need to make the best out of it every single day!!

Don't take this as a reason to skip your workout or eat unhealthy today. Make yourself better. Grow today. Become stronger. Stop using excuses and treating life like a practice. Treat life like its your only shot, because it is. 

Don't wake up tomorrow regretting not starting today! Live your life by design. Start taking care of you. Workout, eat clean, be happier, mediate. Do what you have to, to feel better about yourself, and to start going after the life you have always wanted. 

Will you continue to live your life as a dress rehearsal or will you start living it like the game is in full action!

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