Monday, April 27, 2015

Right Where I Belong

Do you fit in? Do you feel like you just don't belong? Have you felt like that your whole life?

All my life I have left that I never really fit in. That I could never really be me or show my true quirky self.

I have always hid my celiac's disease from people so they didn't know and didn't judge me for having it and being "weird" when it came to eating. Even in high school and being a cheerleader, I never felt like I fit in. I wasn't the skinny girl, I wasn't the popular one, etc. And then in college I joined a sorority and become more open but I still never felt that I fit in. I had Celiacs, I was weird, I was shy, I had quirks. All my life those 4 things have hindered me from being me.

But when I met Rich I could be me. He was weird, he was quirky, and he loved me for me and my weirdness and and my quirks and my celiacs. However, he was the only one I could be me around! I still didn't fit in, even as a teacher and in a school  working full time.

However, with Beachbody I am me! I fit in and I am accepted for who I am. No one judges me because I have celiacs or that I am weird or that I have quirks, or that I am an introvert and need time outs from large social settings some times. These ladies have accepted ME for who I AM!

Up till 1 1/2 years ago, I never felt like I truly belonged. I had accepted that and moved on from it. I had Rich and I was okay with that. But today, I know that, that is no longer the case! The past year and a half I have made some of the best friends that I never would have made if it wasn't for Beachbody. I have met people that have touched my life in so many ways that they don't know, and I have rekindled friendships that faded after high school and college.

God has shown me that I am truly where I need to be, where I can be me and grow to be a stronger leader and woman because of the men and women he has placed in my life with Beachbody!!

Today I am blessed beyond words with Beachbody but also from my mentor!! This lady has taken me under her wing, helped me when I was in my darkest hour, and guided me. She has done so much for me and getting to spend time with her last week, made the cancun trip all worth it! She will forever be in my heart. Her and her husband are an amazing powerhouse team in Beachbody and have the BIGGEST HEARTS I have ever see in my life!

Thank you so much Nikki and Chris from the bottom of my heart, I am so grateful to have you 2 in our lives! Your guidance and generosity is out of this world!!

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