Monday, April 20, 2015

Recap of My Trip to Cancun

As I sit on my bed and reflect on the past 5 days, I get this overwhelming emotion of happiness. Why? Not because I am in paradise enjoying the sun and eating all the food, and drinking all the drinks I want for free. But because of how I got here and who I am with!

A year ago I was miserable, working full time at a job that I no longer has the passion for and a district that no longer supported me in my role. I woke up every day miserable and went to bed crying, thinking this was the rest of my life. Yes, I was working Beachbody part time but Quitting my full time job wasn't an option. However, Beachbody showed me I could do it, showed me that if I jumped, I could make it. So Rich said jump after our wedding. No I wasn't making a full time teaching salary, YET. But knew I Was on the right track and knew I could be there within the year. So together we jumped! I quit teaching, I gave up my benefits, I gave up my insurance, I gave up my pension, I gave up my "secure" paycheck, all for what? To be a coach?!?

Wrong!! I gained so much more from quitting!! I gained happiness, a family that accepts me for who I am, a family that builds me up, a family that supports me, a family that encourages me to dream so big that my dreams scare me, best friends that I would have never met if it weren't for BB, grew close to old friends because of Beachbody, and a job that I love, a job that I get to wake up to every day and help others get happy, healthy, and live longer!!

This week, I got to spend time with some amazing and incredible ladies and leaders. These ladies have such huge hearts, big dreams, and some amazing plans / ideas! I can't wait to see them continue to succeed with Beachbody and be right along side of them growing in this company!!

Thank you Beachbody for this amazing trip but thank you even more for allowing me to quit my full time job and meet some of the most incredible people that I know call my family!!

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