Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Transformation Tuesday / TBT - College Days

Here is my Transformation Tuesday / Throwback Thursday that I posted on FB page last week.

The picture on the left is of me in college in 2005 getting ready to go out and celebrate St.Patricks Day with my sorority sisters. The picture on the right is of me in June of 2014 at summit.

Both pictures I was working out. In college I taught aerobics and did machines like the elliptical and treadmill every day. But I didn't eat clean. I had celiacs, but was still eating a lot of processed foods. The picture on the right of 2014 is me doing workout programs, eating clean, portioning my foods, drinking shakeology and eating a balanced nutrition.

Honestly in 2005 I thought I was doing everything right. I thought I was being healthy. And I continued to think like that till 2013 when Beachbody was introduced to me.

I was skeptical at first with the shakes and the at home workouts but I needed a change and I was willing to try it. I feel in love with T25 and shakeology and haven't looked back!!

Now I am retired from a full time job, working from home, my own boss, and working my way closer and closer each day to financial freedom!

I am so glad that I gave it shot, because I have completely changed for the better and love seeing what the future holds with all my goals!!

Are you tired of your job? Are tired of the same old routine and not making progress? Message me. I can help you make progress, become a stay at home mom, or just getting on the path to financial freedom. I know what it's like to wake up unhappy everyday! Let me help you change that!

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