Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Jess D

Its Tranformation Tuesday and I have some today that I am going to feature, that is near and dear to my heart! I met this girl in College, at Clarion, and if it weren't for the Sorority we pledged together, I would have never met her. YES I am a sorority girl!! :P She was a business major and a year a head of me, I was an Elementary Education Major, so we had NO classes together. However, Spring of 2003 changed my life forever and this girl came into it!!! She is amazing and after graduation we slowly drifted apart and didn't talk often or much over the years. However, thank goodness for FB to keep you somewhat close or in touch, RIGHT?!?

September of 2014 she reached out to me and asked for help. She was given the 21 Day Fix and wanted to start Drinking Shakeology. I helped her order it, got her into a Fix Group and she hasn't looked back since!! December of 2014 she became a coach and ranked to emerald in less than 30 Days. She is committed and amazing!!! And her results that she has made are unbelievable.

Coach Jess D has hit a HUGE milestone in her business lately!! She hit the 50 pound mark!! YES you read that right from September to February she has lost 50+ pounds and doesn't plan on stropping till she reaches her goal weight. I super proud of her and am so glad that she is on this mission with me!! She is one amazing lady and one awesome coach that knows how to incorporate the 21 Day Fix into a lifestyle and still have fun and enjoy going out on the weekends!!!

Also ANOTHER huge milestone that she hit just the other week was SKINNY Jeans. We all love and hate them at the same time! Well she bought her first pair in a long time and loves. Not to mention she LOOKS amazing in them!! Look how skinny her legs are!!

Here she is also working out with the 21 Day Fix. The combination of the Fix meal plan, shakeology and the workouts TRULY do work!! You just have to be ready and willing to make that 21 day commitment!!

Jess Continues to eat clean, workout, and live a healthy lifestyle. However, we are all not perfect and when she does fall off the track, she will jump right back on and do a 3 day refresh to help kick start her butt back into gear!! Here are some of her amazing results from her last 3 Day Refresh. She lost 7 pounds and a total of 4.5 inches!!! All in 3 days!!

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