Friday, March 6, 2015

Health and Fitness Tip #16 - Swaping your shoes

Swap out your shoes

While we've all heard that running shoes break down after logging lots of miles (about 300 to 350), you may still be holding on to your fave pair. (They fit just right! They're so cushy!) Not a good idea. "Glue has a tendency to break down under ultraviolet light, as do the other materials that make up the shoe," says Andrew Kastor. So even if your sneaks have only 150 miles on them or you have worn them 3 months to do a fitness program like P90X or T25, recycle them (try or, because chances are they've already started deteriorating. And as a rule of thumb, always keep tabs on how many miles / consistent days you have worn them to do an intense exercise program —tedious, but hey, you'll be proud of how far you've gone. If you feel pain in your knees or hips stop and think about when the last time you got new shoes. Your body will tell you when its time. Don't ignore it because you could end up seriously injuring yourself if you do.

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