Monday, March 30, 2015

Week 1 Recap of the 21 Day Fix Extreme

Day starts week 2 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme. So I want to take time and recap Week 1.

Week 1 was tough, I am not going to lie. It wasn't the eating plan but it was the workouts. She doesn't give you as long as a break and she goes harder and faster. I love her leg days because they make you sweat like a pig and yet feel amazing after. Pilates is a challenge - why? Because she uses a resistance band the entire 30 minutes and they aren't easy moves. When it comes to favorite workouts, I think Dirty 30 Extreme is my favorite. It wasn't my favorite in the regular fix, BUT it is in extreme. Why? Dirty 30 slows down a bit, its at the end of the week, and the moves she has you do are dynamic, fun, and target certain areas of your body.

All in all the workouts are AWESOME and definitely for someone that is more advanced and has been working out for a while. I would not recommend this program for someone who is a bigger, older, or has a serious injury.

MEAL PLAN - now this is my FAVORITE part of the program. The 21 Day Fix Extreme comes with 2 meal plans. One is the Extreme Meal Plan just like the regular Fix, BUT you no longer get sweets, waffles, treats, and of course your wine! The competition plan - is a carb depletion plan that is for someone that wants serious results and / or someone that is thinking about doing a Body Competition.

I am doing the Countdown to Competition plan which means I get 6 reds (proteins), 3 greens (veggies) and 1 yellow (carb) a day. I am not a meat eater but I am going to Cancun in 16 days and am looking for some serious results. So I decided to the Competition plan. I honestly thought I was going to hate it and have to quit after the first day or 2 because I hate meat, however, I am in love with it, have stuck to it and am now on day 8. I am learning a lot about my body. For example, on the days I carb deplete, I feel amazing, no bloating, fresh, and workouts the next morning are amazing. The days I am following the fix extreme meal plan and allowed fruits, dairy and starches, I feel bloated, have a crappy workout the next day, and have a upset stomach.

Its interesting how in tune I have become with my body and it has me thinking about my nutrition plan come after the fix.

Here are pictures of what I eat on the competition plan and what I eat on the extreme plan.

On these days I do 3 shakes, 1 with fruit and peanuts, 1 with PB, 1 with fruit and starch, and then 1 protein, 1 starch, and 3 greens for dinner.
I do 2 Shakes, 2 Ground Chickens, 2 Turkey Burgers, 1 Broccoli, 1 sweet potato, and 2 green beans.

If you are interested in the 21 Day Fix or the Extreme message me at and I can tell you more about each one.

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