Monday, March 16, 2015

We are all settled in!!!

We are all moved in!! Last week was a long week. Moving is absolutely no fun!! Especially when you do it your self. My husband and I are no longer young, like we think we are, especially when it comes to moving BIG HEAVY stuff. Last week taught us patience and it taught us that the next time we move, which is inevitable because he is a football coach, that we WILL hire people to move the big heavy stuff. However, after many trips to state college 2 in less than 24 hours, we have all of our stuff in our townhome AND we have most if not all of it put away. All our clothes are unpacked, our furniture is placed where we want it, AND my office is all set up for the week ahead!! Last week took a lot out of us. We were gone from Friday to Thursday late night. And then this weekend we put together the office, unpacked all our clothes, put the empty bins and bins we didn't need right away down in the basement. However, we are done! And we finally have a place to call our OWN!!! Yes that is the most exciting part of this entire journey, is that we can actually live like a married couple and have a place of our own. YAY!!!!
Below are pictures of my office. I have a Couch, a desk, a blue thinking chair, and an ottoman. Now I just need a chair for my desk. I also have 9 cubes filled with all my work stuff including my Personal Development books - one cube of all the books I have read, and another cube of the books I need to read, a cube filled with all my workout programs that I have or will be doing, a cube of giveaways for my coaches, a cube of giveaways for my customers, a cube of notes and important information with Beachbody, and a cube of all my personal training books and notes. I am in love with my office and can't wait to add more to it, especially the walls!  

Couch for sitting or laying when I am reading or having meetings.

All my Work things - notes from meetings, give aways for my coaches and customers, Programs, Personal Development books, and Personal training books

My Thinking Chair / Corner. I have a chair and ottoman to work on. I also have a desk that needs a chair for my videos and when I have meetings.

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