Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Transformation Tuesday - Janae B.

21 Day Fix Does it really work?

Look at these amazing results that Janae got from doing it. All it took her was 21 days to lose the bloat and gain the bikini body she wanted. And because she got such amazing results not just with her body but with her health, energy, and confidence, that she decided to become a coach herself!!

So is the Fix for real? Here are a lot of questions I get with the 21 Day Fix

Does it only take 21 days for everyone to gain that body? No but no matter what shape you are in, you will lose 5-15 pounds in the first 21 days.

So what do you do after the 21 days? - I suggest that you continue to do the 21 day fix, a second round even a third round till you hit your goal weight and body.

Is this unsafe? - The 21 day fix is all about portion control. Not unsafe at all. You are still eating a TON and you are balancing your nutrition so you do not eat too much of one thing and not enough of another.

Do I have to eat a set meal plan? - NOPE!!! You eat what you want and when you want! The only rule is that it has to fit into the containers and you have to have that container left to be allowed it.

Is it hard? - NO the meal planning is simple and easy. The first time looking at it, you might feel overwhelmed but by day 5 you are  pro!

Shakes - Do I have to do them? - No put I will tell you that I strongly recommend that you do them at least the first round. Why? because shakeology gives you energy and when you are starting a new program whether you have worked out daily before or are brand new, you will need the energy to keep going. Plus it has many other benefits too!

Workouts - Are they hard? - They can be if you push yourself, but there is a modifier too. I have clients that range from 20-65 that are doing this program and love it and take the workouts at their own pace.

If the 21 Day Fix, sounds like something you would like to do and you want to know more about it, you can email me at jgerity83@gmail.com or you can check me out on my teambeachbody website.

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