Monday, March 9, 2015

Moving = Change - The Final Phase in our Move

Its here, the day has come! It is the final phase of our move! This past weekend I have had a flood of emotions go through me. I am excited, tired, sore, sad, relieved, and over whelmed.

Friday I came to State College, to start moving, packing, throwing stuff out, sorting stuff that needs to go to good will and to our new place. Saturday, I was sick to my stomach with stress and over work. Sunday a flood of emotions ran throw me and I balled, change is inevitable, but change is hard. And today, well today I am SORE and excited to start this new journey with my husband. Tomorrow I will be overwhelmed

Moving. There is a lot to say about moving. It can be fun, hard, sad, and challenging all at the same time. This move has forced us to go through our things, combine what we went, toss what we don't, and donate ALOT to goodwill. I love packing because it does allow you to get rid of a lot of things you held on to for just incase you may need it one day reason. But yesterday after everything was packed up but the bare minimal, I realized now I have to UNPACK it all at home. That was my breaking point. I lost it. My poor husband looked at me and say you are overwhelmed aren't you. Yes I am. Change its inevitable, yet its hard at the same time.

Change needs to happen. And this change is good. This change is preparing us for our future moves. Because those moves are inevitable too! I married  football coach! I need to get use to these moves every so many years. I know they will become easier and each one will just mean we are growing and making more memories. But no matter what spin you but on moving it still means change.

Change is good, moving is good LIFE is good!

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