Monday, March 23, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme and Countdown to Competiton Meal Plan - Day 1

Day 1 of the 21 Day Fix Extreme Starts Today! This morning I did Plyo Fix Extreme. This workout was all about legs, which I love because you get a sweat going and you burn more calories. I was sweating before round 1 was even over! And my legs are shaking and sore already! I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!

For the Eating Plan the 21 Day fix Extreme came with 2. You could do the Extreme eating plan or the Countdown to Competition eating plan, which is what Autumn does before her competitions.

I am doing the Countdown to Competition eating plan. This plan is a carb depletion plan that allows you 1 carb a day (or at least that is all I get because of the bracket, I am in). I like this plan because you do 2 days carb depletion and 1 day Extreme plan. Also neither plan allows you to drink wine or enjoy sweets, so thank goodness for shakeology to help me with my cravings.

I am excited to be doing this meal plan. I am not a meat eater so that part will be hard, BUT there are only 22 more days till Cancun so I need to suck it up now so I don't suck it in later in Cancun! I am willing to Sacrifice giving up fruits and carbs for 21 days if it means I will have the bikini body I have always wanted.

Would you? Could you go for 21 days, 2 days on and 1 day off of no carbs?

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