Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Eat It Up Wednesday - Salad Making

Salad Making!! 

Though cooking doesn’t come naturally to everyone, there are many skills and kitchen hacks that can help you find your footing in the kitchen and begin preparing nourishing meals at home more often. 

It’s incredibly easy once you learn a few basic skills. These two methods of cooking make it extremely easy to get started: 

Just get a couple of different types of greens (think kale, red lettuce, arugula, spinach, etc.) and a variety of colorful vegetables (peppers, radishes, mushrooms, onions…). Chop everything up however you like and wash with a salad spinner or colander and allow to drip dry. 

If you’re not yet comfortable cooking protein at home, throw ½ cup of canned beans or lentils (from BPA-free cans) on top or use a can of wild-caught salmon. 

Then just drizzle with extra virgin olive oil and fresh-squeezed lemon juice and sprinkle with coarse sea salt—marvel at the amazing meal you just made

Grab ½ lb. of grass-fed ground beef and chop up a variety of non-starchy vegetables into 2-inch pieces, like zucchini, onions, mushrooms, and peppers. Shoot for 3 or 4 cups. 

Preheat a large pan over medium-high heat and add 2 teaspoons of avocado or coconut oil (these oils are better for medium to high heat, something like olive oil is better for low to no heat). Once the pan is hot, add the veggies and continue to stir so vegetables cook evenly. 

After about 3 minutes, when vegetables are evenly warmed and fragrant, add the beef. Season with several good shakes of garlic powder, oregano, sea salt, and black pepper, and stir together. 

Sauté everything together, continuing to stir, for about 5 to 7 minutes, browning beef. You’ll know it’s ready when no pink remains—just chop a bigger piece in half to check. Add more sea salt or some balsamic vinegar to taste and you’ve got a complete meal ready for two.

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