Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Testimonial Tuesday - 3 Day Refresh

I had a challenger just finish up the 3 Day Refresh and she lost 8 POUNDS!!! I couldn't believe it! In just 3 days she lost 8 pounds. She couldn't either!! This is what she said......

                       "I actually had to weigh myself 3 times this morning because I couldn't believe what the scale said! I lost 8 pounds and 2 1/2 inches on my waist. And I feel fabulous!"

This challenger has been doing the 21 day fix and drinking shakeology daily since December. Keep in mind that is only 2 1/2 months. She also sent me this......

                       "Thank you! I couldn't believe it! I looked back and from the beg. of December I've lost 24 pounds and 9 1/2 inches from my waist! It's crazy! And I am so happy about it!"

She has lost 24 pounds OVER a 2 1/2 month span and one of those moths was CHRISTMAS!!! And this has all happened because she CHOOSE to finally take a stand with her health and get fit and happy.

It's amazing what eating clean, portioning your food, workout 30 minutes a day, and a determination can do in just under 3 months.

No I don't have pictures to show, but just these words alone are why I do what I do!!!

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