Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Being a Footbal Coaches Wife

Its SIGNING DAY!!!!! HORRAY!!!!!! Today is not a big deal to most people. Its just another Wednesday. Its just another cold, blah day. But in the world of Football its Signing day. Its the day their recruits sign on to their team, committing to become a Griffith, or eagle, or lion, etc. Its the day that the coaches have been working towards since before football season started.

I am excited because not only did the 4 men my husband recruiting sign, but I finally get to see him today! Yes, that is right, my husband has been away since last Friday. They had a recruiting event at the collage this past weekend and then they started 5 AM drills with the kids this week! What does that mean? It means football season is in the making!

Most people think football coaches work part time or work only August - December. I did too before my met my husband. However, they don't. They work year round recruiting, planning, strategizing, coaching, and getting their players and team ready for September - December of games. They work long grueling hours and as a wife you don't get so see your hubby much.

Its hard being married to football coach because of their hours, BUT I love it at the same time. Because the passion and commitment I see from my husband with his players and colleagues shows me how much he LOVES his job even when the hours are not the best. I also love it because it has shown me Beachbody! When we were dating I would just sit around and wait for him to be done. BUT now I am so busy that when we do see each other its QUALITY time and we both are in the present and not on the phones or working while siting in the same room.

So today I am excited for many reasons, but the biggest one is how PROUD of my husband I am for his amazing recruiting skills. I love him and I love seeing his Passion every day doing the thing he loves the most and is the most talented at!!!

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