Wednesday, February 25, 2015

If you NEVER try, then you will never KNOW

If you never try, then you will never know!

What holds you back from going after what you want? What holds you back from trying something new?

Is it fear?
Is it failure?
Is it disappointment?

Whatever you feel, whatever is stopping you from trying, from going after your goals and dreams....PUNCH THEM IN THE FACE!!!

That is right! Punch your fears of failing, disappointment and scared in the face and throw them away!! Don't let those feelings stop you from something greater!! From reaching your goals! From feeling amazing and confident in yourself again!

Change can be scary. Setting goals can be scary! But don't let being scared stop you! Set realistic goals for yourself but also set a high goal that you would love to see happen. Change. Allow yourself to try new things. Venture away from your comfort zone and do the things you have been wanting to do.

Eat clean, workout, look for a new job. Whatever it is, DO IT!! Don't think twice about it. You may fail, you may fumble, you may even make mistakes. BUT think....what if you succeed! What if you stick to the plan, what if you workout daily, what is you do get that new job! Think about what amazing things CAN happen and not about the things that might NOT happen!

Believe in yourself! And get out there today and START trying because you just never know until you do!!!

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