Monday, February 2, 2015

21 Day Fix Extreme Releases today!!

Eeekkk!! Guess what is coming!! 21 Day Fix Extreme is coming your way TODAY!!! So what is the 21 Day fix Extreme?

Fix Extreme is going to help you get shredded like NEVER before!!! The Creator of the 21 Day Fix and National Bikini Competitor, Autumn Calabrese, has combined simple eating with EXTREME fitness to help people shred up and shred off those final pounds with the 21 Day Fix Extreme.

Here is what is included in the 21 Day Fix EXTREME:

21 Day countdown to Competition menu plan
7 workouts to keep different muscle groups guessing
ALL workouts are 30 minutes long
Every workout in the EXTREME uses weights
Same types of workouts from the 21 Day fix, but taken to the next level, EXTREME
Not for beginners
7 Containers
1 Shakeology Shaker Cup
1st month of Shakeology

With the Extreme the containers are the same BUT the meal plan is different and you will have different amounts of each container so that you get EXTREME results. The Extreme comes with 2 different meal plans, one is the bikini competition diet and the other is STRICTER than the original 21 Day Fix meal Plan. What does stricter mean? There are NO wine or NO chocolate treats allowed in the EXTREME.

I am super excited for this program. Yes it is going to be a challenge, especially the stricter meal plan. I do not think that this program is for everyone. Why? Because when starting a life style change you want to know that you can have that glass of wine or a piece of chocolate when you want it. With the EXTREME you can’t have either of those. So if you want to get CUT, RIPPED, and SHRED those last 5 pounds and you don’t mind giving up wine and chocolate for 21 days, then this program is for you.

If you want to lose weight but are afraid you will give up if you can’t have a glass of wine, NO FEAR the 21 day fix is here for you.

 Starting a Beta Test group for the Fix Extreme on Feb. 9 along with a 21 Day Fix Fitness group. 2 separate groups designed to help you reach your goals!

Interested in one of these programs? Message me, comment below or email me at  Let's get you feeling great and looking amazing in 21 Days!!

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