Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Sneak Peak into Coaching - February 16

Have you asked yourself lately, What does a Beachbody Coach do? That was my question a year and a half ago. My facebook was blowing up with all these coaches and I wanted to know what they did.

When you say coaching you know it deals with helping people, but what do we truly do? How do we help people?

Some people start out as a discount coach / preferred customer, which is great. I didn't want to join at first because I thought Beachbody and coaching was all about selling? And I knew I didn't want to sell anything, not my cup of tea. But the more I looked at facebook and the more I talked to my coach, the more I saw that Beachbody isn't about selling at all. Beachbody is about helping others succeed!! So I decided to test the waters out and see if coaching was for me.

Well guess what!?! Starting Monday, February 16, 2015, we are starting a sneak peak into Beachbody coaching!! In this group you will learn all about what a Beachbody coach does, what the time requirements are, what the cost is, what you potential could earn, and how you can get started if you want to.

If you are interested in what I do and what beachody coaching and how I was able to QUIT my full time teaching job then this FREE private group is for you. There is no obligations with this group, just learn how it all works. My team and I will share with you our experiences, successes, and why we decided to join Beachbody!

Interested? Email me at jgerity83@gmail.com or message me on Facebook Jaissa Gerity and I will add you to the group!!! Simple and Easy!

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